
All accidents and/or injuries are reportable to your supervisor and your command.

Commanders/supervisors will investigate and report in accordance with AR 385-10 to the unit/local safety office any unplanned event that results in one or more of the following:

a. Injuries and occupational illnesses.

(1) Injury or occupational illness (fatal or nonfatal) to on-duty or off-duty military personnel.

(2) Injury or occupational illness (fatal or nonfatal) to on-duty Army civilian personnel, including non-appropriated fund employees, and foreign nationals employed by the Army when the accident is incurred while performing work related duties.

(3) Injury or illness to non-Army personnel as a result of Army operations.

(4) Soldier training related deaths not covered in other areas.

(5) Persons who are missing, and/or presumed dead, as the result of a potential accident will be reported as accident fatalities.

(6) Occupational injuries and illnesses reported by a contractor or subcontractor where accident reporting to the Army is contractually required.

(7) Injury or occupational illness to on-duty contractors supervised by Army personnel on a day-to-day basis.

(8) Fatal accidents involving members of the visiting public when involved in authorized recreational activities on Army facilities, installations, and properties.

(9) Incidents involving Army civilian personnel injured as a result of violence in the work environment will be reported to the U.S. Department of Labor in accordance with 29 CFR 1904.5.

b. Damage to Army property. This includes Government furnished material (GFM), or Government furnished property (GFP), or GFE provided to a contractor.

c. Damage to public or private property. Damage to public or private property caused by Army operations (the Army had a causal or contributing role in the accident). Note that commanders will investigate unplanned events and make the decision as to whether the event is an accident, combat loss, or some other category of loss.


What are the classifications of accidents?

Accident classifications are used to determine the appropriate investigative and reporting procedures. Accident classes are as follows:

Class A accident. An army accident in which the resulting total cost of property damage is $1,000,000 or more; an Army aircraft or missile is destroyed, missing, or abandoned; or an injury and/or occupational illness results in a fatality or permanent total disability. Note that unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) accidents are classified based on the coast to repair or replace the UAS. A destroyed, missing, or abandoned UAS will not constitute a Class A accident unless replacement or repair cost exceeds $1,000,000 or more.

Class B accident. An Army accident in which the resulting total cost of property damage is $200,000 or more, but less than $1,000,000; an injury and/or occupational illness resulting in permanent partial disability, or when 3 or more personnel are hospitalized as inpatients as the result of a single occurrence.

Class C accident. An Army accident in which the resulting total cost of property damage is $20,000 or more, but less than $200,000; a nonfatal injury or occupational illness that causes 1 or more days away from work or training beyond the day or shift on which it occurred or disability at any time (that does not meet the definition of Class A or B and is a lost time case).

Class D accident. An Army accident in which the resulting total cost of property damage is $2,000 or more, but less than $20,000; a nonfatal injury or illness resulting in restricted work, transfer to another job, medical treatment greater than first aid, needle stick injuries and cuts from sharps that are contaminated from another person's blood or other potentially infectious material, medical removal under medical suveillance requirements of an OSHA standard, occupational hearing loss, or a work-related tuberculosis case.


Army Safety Center


21 TSC Safety (.mil only)

To report unsafe working conditions, contact your supervisor.


How can I contact the Brigade Safety Officer?

18th Engineer Brigade (AETV-EB) Safety

Tompkins Barracks, Bldg # 4242, Room 125

Friedrichsfelder Landstrasse; 68723 Schwetzingen, Germany

49(0)6202-80-5201 or DSN 314-379-5201