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Central Banker


Central Banker

Central Banker is a quarterly overview of Federal Reserve policies, initiatives and news affecting financial institutions in the Eighth District.

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Summer 2012

The Sovereign Debt Crisis: A Modern Greek Tragedy

Two “Dialogue with the Fed” public events—one in English and one in Spanish—explored the reasons behind Europe’s sovereign debt crisis and what the implications may be for the United States.

Quarterly Report: Earnings and Asset Quality Trending Up in District, Nation

Two “Dialogue with the Fed” public events—one in English and one in Spanish—explored the reasons behind Europe’s sovereign debt crisis and what the implications may be for the United States.

In-Depth: Is the End Near for the Popular Transaction Account Guarantee Program?

The Dodd-Frank superseded and extended the coverage of the FDIC’s popular TAG program, which is set to expire on Dec. 31, 2012. Opinions are divided among numerous bankers, banking organizations, lawmakers and others on whether TAG should continue or terminate.

Central View: European Sovereign Debt Crisis: A Wake-up Call for the U.S.

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