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Ray Boshara

Building Financial Capability and Balance Sheets Early in Life

By Ted Beck and Ray Boshara

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Money Smart Week—St. Louis Metro 2012 Kick-off Breakfast: Keynote Address: Building Savings and Financial Capability

By Ray Boshara

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Rebuilding Household Balance Sheets: Ray Boshara’s Testimony to the U.S. Senate

By Ray Boshara

St. Louis Fed Senior Advisor Ray Boshara has referred to the weak household balance sheet as one of the core economic challenges of our time, suggesting that households must focus on rebuilding their balance sheets—including securing the right levels and types of savings, debts and assets. Read an abridged version of his congressional testimony in the first of a series of articles on this topic.

1.0 (46 Reviews)


Statement of Ray Boshara Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection Subcommittee

By Ray Boshara

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Seven Surprising Findings from the Asset-Building Field

By Ray Boshara

Surprising many, research has demonstrated that poor people can in fact save and build assets. They just need a well-structured opportunity, like the rest of us. This article summarizes this and other surprising findings from the last 15 years about how the poor save and what difference it makes to their balance sheets, their attitudes and behavior, and their prospects for moving up the economic ladder.

2.5 (60 Reviews)