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Follow the Fed

To make it easier to get the information you want from the St. Louis Fed, we are now on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Flickr or in your inbox.



On Twitter, we post messages and links about important research, data, speeches, conferences, articles in our publications and media coverage of all of the above. In addition, many of our job openings are advertised on Twitter.



You can "like" us on Facebook to have updates about our publications, events and news appear in your news feed.



On our YouTube channel, you'll find Bank-produced videos that cover timely topics.

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Access thousands of FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) series on your iPad or iPhone.

Mobile FRED

Access tens of thousands of FRED series (Federal Reserve Economic Data) through your cell phone or other mobile device.



See selected materials on Sribd exactly as we published them.



Check out our Flickr site for photos of our building in downtown St. Louis and from our events held all over the 8th District.



If you're already "linked in," you will be able to connect with many employees of the St. Louis Fed who've also posted their work history and work interests on LinkedIn.

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