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WASHINGTON, DC-- Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) calls on Medicare officials to investigate complaints from frustrated beneficiaries and physicians about changes to a program that determines where beneficiaries obtain diabetes testing supplies and other medical equipment.  The Congresswoman noted a lack of consumer education and awareness about the Medicare Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) and outlined her concerns in a letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. She has also requested additional information.  Six members of the Ohio delegation joined her on the letter, including U.S. Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich, Steven C. LaTourette, Marcy Kaptur, Tim Ryan, Betty Sutton, and Robert E. Latta.           

"I heard from many constituents and doctors who reported confusion about the Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) and problems with receiving diabetic testing supplies. That tells me Medicare needs to do a better job of addressing complaints and explaining changes that went into effect this year regarding authorized suppliers," said Rep. Fudge.

"My greatest priority is ensuring that beneficiary testing not be disrupted, and that beneficiaries will continue to have access to the diabetes testing supplies they need to prevent costly complications from the disease. If there are revisions, or improvements, that need to be made to the CBP, it is important that they are addresses as soon as possible to avoid more confusion and frustration." 

Click here to view the letter

CMS has reported that from January to March 2011, approximately, 75% of product category specific inquiries (13,813 total inquiries), were about mail order diabetes testing supplies. Given the number of constituents voicing concern about the CBP as well as feedback from the American Diabetes Association about their experience with the program, we are requesting answers and information from CMS, on topics including:

  • the volume of calls CMS has received related to diabetes testing supplies in the CBP from January 1st to present;
  • the percentage of patients who have left mail order and gone to retail since competitive bidding started;
  • the outreach currently being done to continue to educate beneficiaries and providers about this program and track patient and provider experiences;
  • the monitoring health and outcomes of beneficiaries with diabetes subject to the CBP and;
  • whether CMS is requiring winning mail order suppliers to report on the volume of various supplies they are providing to beneficiaries.
