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Blog Post: No Matter How Hard the Journey, Hope and Perseverance Will Prevail

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As the holidays and the new year approach, I am mindful of my blessings in life, although I never lose sight of the sufferings and unmet needs of our citizens. 

In 2011, we've taken notice of powerful forces arrayed against the 99% of Americans who have seen real income erode and safety net programs slashed, while the wealthiest Americans and corporations reap enormous profits.  But we must not lose heart.  Our economy is improving and I will continue to fight for the programs that are important to my constituents.  I sponsored four jobs bills in the last six months including the National Infrastructure Bank Act, which would create thousands of jobs and improve deficient bridges and schools.  I also fought to strengthen Medicare and Social Security, and will continue these efforts in the new year.

I know the road ahead is lined with obstacles, but we must reclaim the American dream for all of our citizens who yearn for nothing more than the opportunity to get a quality education, have a fair chance to compete for a good paying job, save their home from foreclosure and have access to affordable health care.

Despite recent setbacks on hard-earned voting and worker rights, 2011 brought glimmers of light.  In July, I asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate barriers to voting through photo ID requirements or other restrictions recently imposed in a number of states, including Ohio.  More than 100 of my Congressional colleagues signed the letter.  Last week, Mr. Holder delivered his strongest remarks on the subject to date.  He revealed that the Department of Justice is reviewing state level voting law changes and will enforce federal law to ensure these changes adhere to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  It's a ray of hope. 

I saw the energy and passion that drove thousands of people to seek the repeal of Ohio's HB 194 which imposes new barriers to voting by mail and limits early voting in our state.  Thanks to these concerted efforts, voters will have an opportunity to take their concerns to the ballot box and vote on whether to overturn HB 194 in the November 2012 election.  I hope the outcome will be as positive as this year's successful effort to repeal SB 5, a measure that would have decimated the collective bargaining rights of public employees. The groundswell of opposition to SB 5 showed yet again that the people will shed light when needed, and reverse the course of an unjust law.

In 2011, we saw the death of Osama Bin Laden and an end to America's longest war, the war in Iraq.  The war cost the lives of more than 4,500 American troops and drained $800 billion from our budget, but we can begin 2012 grateful that it is over. 

Stay strong and find joy in this season of light.  It renews our faith that no matter how long or hard the journey, hope and perseverance will prevail in the end.  As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Carve a tunnel of hope through the dark mountain of disappointment."  I'll begin 2012 where I left off in 2011, with my shovel at the ready.

Wishing you and your family a Happy Holidays, and very Happy New Year.