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Protecting Medical Innovation and Consumer Control

Did you know that the health care law from 2010 (the PPACA) implements a new tax beginning in 2013 on medical devices? This 2.3 percent tax is meant to raise $20 billion over 10 years by taxing items like wheelchairs, artificial hips and knees, crutches, scalpels, stethoscopes, and hospital beds. As the independent Congressional Research Service (CRS) noted, “The tax should be fully passed on to consumers, although some of the cost, depending on the device, will be paid by insurers and lead to higher insurance payments, still ultimately falling on consumers.”

That’s not exactly what the American people bargained for when they asked for more affordable, accessible, and quality care. That is why Congressman Lungren co-sponsored the Protect Medical Innovation Act, which would repeal the excise tax on medical devices.

Congressman Lungren will continue to work toward achieving a better health care delivery system by supporting innovation, competition, and consumer control. This, rather than government influence and taxpayer dollars, will best address the shortcomings of our health care system.

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