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Dodd-Frank Regulatory Reform Rules

Dodd-Frank Act Regulatory Reform Rules

A roadmap for tracking the rulemaking process from start to finish

Track the progress of more than 200 proposals and rules that will be written by various federal agencies as part of the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.

How to Use This Site:

Please Note: The four main rulemaking status sections feature a sortable "Topic" column that categorizes each rule by subject matter. We have also added a sortable column referencing the applicable section(s) in the Dodd-Frank Act (DFA Section). E-mail notification alerts, which provide a brief description and links to recent postings, are also available. Subscribe now.

Latest Updates:  This homepage feature shows the most recent rule activity regardless of status, and is generated by the site's RSS feed. Older rule activity can be found by status via the navigation tabs.

Open for Comment: In this section, view all the proposed rules that are open for comment and published in the Federal Register, and also find out how and when to submit comments to the respective agency(ies).

Proposed: This section lists all rules that are proposed and are waiting for final approval.

Interim Final: This section lists all rules that, while having the full force and effect of the law, can still undergo further study or comment before they are confirmed as final rules.

Final: This section lists all final rules, and includes critical effective or mandatory compliance dates.

Resources: Links to various agencies involved in the Dodd-Frank Act rulemaking process. Now includes a glossary for easy reference as well as a quick tutorial on how a rule is made.

Questions or suggestions? Contact: regreformrules@stls.frb.org

Latest Updates


FDIC - Final rule permitting enforcement of subsidiary and affiliate contracts by the FDIC as receiver of a covered financial company. (FINAL RULE)


FDIC - Final rule implementing annual stress test for FDIC insured state nonmember banks and state-chartered saving associations. (FINAL RULE)


FRS - Final rule establishing company-run stress tests for bank holding companies, state member banks and savings and loan holding companies with assets between $10 and $50 billion. (FINAL RULE)


FRS - Final rule requiring annual stress tests of bank holding companies and nonbank financial companies with total consolidated assets of $50 billion or more. (FINAL RULE)


OCC - Notice of proposed rulemaking regarding retail foreign exchange transactions. (OPEN FOR COMMENT)


SEC - Proposed rule extending temporary rule for investment advisers registered as broker-dealers. (OPEN FOR COMMENT)


OCC - Final rule establishing annual stress test guidelines for national banks and federal savings associations. (FINAL RULE)


FHFA - Proposed rule implementing annual stress tests for regulated entities. (OPEN FOR COMMENT)


CFTC / SEC - Reopening of comment period on study to determine whether stable value contracts fall within the definition of a swap. (OPEN FOR COMMENT)


FCA / FDIC / FHFA / FRS / OCC - Reopening of comment period for proposed rule to establish swap margin and capital requirements. (OPEN FOR COMMENT)

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