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Structure Information


The National Information Center (NIC) is the primary Federal Reserve System source for structure, financial and supervisory information on banking and financial institutions. The centralized location of these data enables users to trace complex organizational structures and link associated financial and supervisory information for all entities in which the Federal Reserve has an interest.

Visitors to the NIC web siteNIC can run tiering reports on noncomplex and complex bank holding companies and access financial information for financial institutions nationwide.

The site also provides:

  • domestic and foreign institution search capabilities;
  • ability to display the organization hierarchy, structure history (name and charter changes, mergers) for any institution on the NIC;
  • acquisition history information;
  • top 50 banks and bank holding companies for the current quarter; and the ability to locate branches of U.S. banks.

Structure FAQs

When a bank changes its national charter to a state charter, does the bank automatically become a state member bank?

No. National banks are required to purchase Federal Reserve stock. Upon conversion to a state nonmember bank, the bank must submit an Application for Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Stock (FR 2086A). When the form is received, the stock is cancelled and the Federal Reserve will credit the bank's account. If a bank wishes to retain its membership, it must submit an application to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FR 2083) for membership approval.

If a bank holding company, bank, nonbanking subsidiary or foreign banking organization changes its legal name or location, is a Report of Change in Organizational Structure (FR Y-10) required?

Yes. An FR Y-10 must be submitted to the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank within 30 days of the change. For additional FR Y-10 reporting criteria, review the FR Y-10 reporting instructions.

Has your depository institution recently opened, closed or changed the location of any branch offices?

The St. Louis Fed's Structure Services unit maintains branch information for Eighth District institutions on the National Information Center (NIC). All state member banks are required to file an application with the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank regarding changes in branch information. In addition, top-tier bank holding companies, unaffiliated state member banks and Edge and agreement corporations are required to complete a FR Y-10 Report of Changes in Organizational Structure for a branch opening, sale, closing, acquisition or relocation of domestic branches of U.S. subsidiary depository institutions.

Accurate branch information provides a complete picture of an institution's organizational structure, which is beneficial for statistical and research analysis. If you have any questions regarding completion of the FR Y-10 for branch activity, please contact Structure Services staff for assistance.