Friday, June 13, 2008

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

(Photo is a dramatic recreation)

While this story is not directly related to the TSA, it shows that a bomb can be hidden anywhere by those with fowl intent (pun intended). We thought we'd have a little fun, we hope you enjoy it:

We’re not sure why the chicken crossed the road, but we do know what happened after it did.

On June 10th in Simsbury, Connecticut, police found a pipe bomb stuffed inside of a raw roasting chicken. The chicken was noticed on the side of the road by a passing motorist with a bird’s eye view...

The Police Chief declined to comment due to the pending investigation, so at this point, we’re not sure who hatched this bird-brained plot or why.

It is possible that some misguided youth were egged on to make the poultry projectile. But the real intent is unknown.

The Hartford Police Department's bomb squad took stock in the incident and arrived on scene to detonate the chicken. The road was closed during the detonation, preventing anybody from crossing. (Including Chickens) One member of the squad stated it was poultry in motion (yes we're kidding).

We hope that nobody takes advantage of this incident by using tired old chicken puns (how lame would that be). Remember to report all suspicious activity.


EoS Blog Team


Marshall said...

Well, at least the TSA is good at something - diversionary tactics, i.e., when you're getting blasted in one thread you quickly put up another.


Dunstan said...

Your humor might be slightly better than your implementation of security... Then again maybe not.

Anonymous said...


Are you on acid? Do you see pink elephants on parade?

Trollkiller said...

Blogger Bob are you trying to get a headline writting gig on

Anyhow the article was very punny.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your diversionary tactics. I know many have issues with security, but if that is your biggest problem, I say you are very lucky. Yes individuals are doing crazy things and explosives could be anywhere and I sure would watch the pink elephants at parades.

Miller said...

Next thing banned from going through security check point is all chicken products/derivatives because of the goon who did this. Got to protect us from all terrorist threats, real, imaginary, and Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

The serious truth to this is that any biological specimen may be used to carry explosives or other weapons aboard aircraft. The only solution is the use of body cavity examinations on all men, women and children whether passenger, crew or maintenance personnel.

Security people understand this is a complex undertaking but it is the only solution that will guarantee public safety. We could start by taking out the stalls in the restrooms. What is the need for them? They only serve to hide activities. Since few will insert a dangerous device while they can be observed, it is a cheap, quick remedy.

Later, once TSOs are properly trained, they can quickly examine suspects for contraband. Once examined these people must remain in secure areas. Perhaps a dye can be applied to the subjects to prevent their exposure to the unexamined.

If everyone helps, the next attack can be avoided.

Jim Huggins said...

C'mon folks ... quit egging Bob on ...

Chris Boyce said...

Hey, Bob -- You're "doing a heck of a job" trying to divert us from ripping Chertoff, Hawley, and all the rest of you a new one about the retaliatory ID policy.

Guess what?? It didn't work... It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

..and, we aren't going away either.

Anonymous said...

Hey you conspiracy theorists... if you haven't noticed these Blog heads at TSA have been posting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday... doesn't seem diversionary to me ... seems more like a schedule. Get off of them.

Ayn R. Key said...

And WHEN are you going to answer my question about REAL ID?

The TSA says that we have to show valid ID to fly or we can't get in, even with a pat-down alternative.

The TSA says that soon REAL ID will be the only valid ID.

Several states say they won't conform to REAL ID.

Are residents of those states going to be forbidden to fly?

Anonymous said...

This blog has become a joke.


Trollkiller said...

Easy people, Blogger Bob did not lay an egg, this is the normal Friday light hearted posting.

Posts are not quickly approved on weekends, and most people jump on the newest post. If you post about the chicken pipe bomb, odds are you won't be pissed if the post takes 20 hours to be approved.

This does not mean we will be diverted from the more important topics, it just means we have to cool our jets a bit on the weekend.

casey said...

Oh come on guys..
I thought it was funny!

Anonymous said...

Going back to the real issues: I guess all persons in states that do not issue real ID will have to get passports to travel domestically. Is that correct?

MoiN said...

lol.. Dude where did you get this picture from? :D

Anonymous said...

Once again the TSA attempts to use levity to distract from the hammering they are taking in the previous post.

What, no pictures of puppies?

Try answering questions instead of deflecting attention away from an issue.

Miller said...

Going back to the real issues: I guess all persons in states that do not issue real ID will have to get passports to travel domestically. Is that correct?

Only if they don't want the SSSS treatment and all it entails. Funny thing is that with a near 100% SSSS check of passengers in those states, you would see air travel slow to a near halt. How many hours do you arrive early so as to make it to your plane? Expect to see TSA types complain about back strains after squatting all day long. Expect passengers in a near rage. Expect TSOs in a near rage. Suspect that it won't last long.

Ayn R. Key said...

Blog team,

Do you remember how light-hearted post after light-hearted post failed to distract us from the MMW issue? Do you remember how light-hearted post after light-hearted post failed to distract us from 3-1-1?

The ID post, with many unanswered questions, won't go away either. I would have thought that you would have learned that distractions don't work.

Anonymous said...

With all the questions you need to answer, this is a pathetic attempt at distraction.

Sad, sad, sad.

While I am here, please tell me exactly what my alternatives are to getting zapped in the mmw chamber.

Sandra said...

Trollkiller, this is NOT humorous; it's a blatant attempt to divert attention from the preceding thread, a thread that presents Constitutional issues.

The TSA is getting hammered in that thread and therefore, another "humorous" thread is thrown up to divert attention from the real issue.

The TSA knows that, unfortunately, most readers won't read beyond the current thread. Therefore, the sad attempt to divert our attention from the real issues.

Bob, Christopher, et als: it won't work.

Anonymous said...

if they wanted to distract us from the blog topics, either they wouldnt post about them or wouldnt have created this blog

this blog is here for us to show the TSA better ways to improve the checkpoints we have to go through.

the checkpoints will never leave. instead of helping them out which in turn would help us out, you just bash them.

thank you to trollkiller and the rest of you who can give complaints without stupid remarks.

Anonymous said...

The responses here just prove the point that passengers are stupid... just shut up and fly!

Trollkiller said...

Sandra said...

Trollkiller, this is NOT humorous; it's a blatant attempt to divert attention from the preceding thread, a thread that presents Constitutional issues.

In all fairness, Christopher posted the ID topic after it was brought up on the "Day in the Life" thread. Of course he cut and ran leaving Blogger Bob holding the bag as usual.

Christopher opened this Pandora's box and if he thought that the fury would die down quickly he needs to get a refund on his College degree.

The TSA knows there are people like us that hold our freedoms, and more importantly our children's future freedom, so dear to us that we would give our very last breath to defend it.

They know that we are like the old lady in the Bible that hounded the Judge to give her justice, the Judge gave up because the old woman would not shut up.

The MMW images were released because we the people demanded it. This illegal restriction of travel will fall to the wayside because we the people demand it.

I have watched this blog from the beginning and I have noticed a few things that bother me a bit.

The use of diversionary posts or lack of response from the Blog Team when things get heated bothers me a great deal.

I don't count the Friday posts as diversionary because I think those are being posted because of the enormous lag time in approvals on the weekend.

As near as I can tell the work horse of the Blog Team is Bob, whenever he takes a vacation or business trip the approval times become unbearable.

If I read Blogger Bob right, he feels compelled to do timely approvals when there is a contentious topic. I think he posts the light hearted posts on Friday so he does not have to devote an enormous amount of time on the weekend to this blog.

To the Blog Team: Blogger Bob needs the others in the Blog Team to pull their weight. None of this drop a post every now and again and then run away.

Sandra I promise you it will take a lot more than a chicken with a pipe bomb up its butt to divert my attention. I just don't want to crash the only person from the TSA that is consistently committed to this blog for trying to give himself some family time on the weekend.

Anonymous said...

trollkiller said; "I have watched this blog from the beginning and I have noticed a few things that bother me a bit."

Here is something I find more bothersome than chickens and dog shows.

Posts are just disappearing.

After some disappeared a few weeks ago I did a little browsing around old posts.

Several mentioned other posts disapearing.

To the TSA I pose this question:

What are your policies on deleting posts that have been cleared?

Is it your policy to just delete posts w/o any note?

If not why are posts disappearing?

Please answer this.

Thanks in advance.


Anonymous said...

I can assure the readers of this blog that a heavy handed censor is at work here.

I can only wonder just what TSA is afraid of?

Freedom of any type when restricted by the government such as on this blog is not truly freedom.

This is a government sponsored site and freedom of speech should be allowed.

TSA is hard at work in the nations airports destroying American civil liberties. They have no respect for the Constitution!

Kingwood said...

It's amazing the ideas people will come up with to be destructive. Just think what they could do if they directed that creativity in a positive direction.

As for the "diversionary" accusations, one of the characteristics of a blog is that there are frequent updates. If they held off posting until comments died out, nothing new would put up.

CBGB said...


the problem with that is that they are bailing on posts when the heat gets to high. The purpose of this blog was to have discourse on issues related to the TSA and their screening policies (among other things). Logically then they should be moving on when the issue is adressed, not before that. They also should be showing that they take comments seriously by adressing comments in an adult serious manner. When they are getting reamed for illogical and discontinuous arguements, it is not appropriate to post a story about exploding chickens.

They want it to seem like they are soliciting and implementing feedback when they just have a blackhole at work for PR purposes.

This is not some teenagers blog, this is serious. They are a serious threat to the US constitution and shouldn't be allowed to get away with the stupidity they pull on here

IdIsn'tSecurity said...

So what are one's options if they are SPOTed?

When speaking with a BDO, will an LEO always be called over?

What if one simply doesn't want to answer any questions or objects to the process for civil rights reasons? Do they still have the right to remain silent?

If one cooperates with a LEO, but not with a BDO, can they be kept off the flight?

Can the TSA keep someone off the flight or is that only something the ground services coodinator for the airline can do?

Anonymous said...

I did not realize going thru Orlando airport TSA security with a towl in my back pocket, while going thru with my glasses on was OK, when in fact the glasses are metal framed, and the towel is cotton. Had to send the small towel thru the xray.

Anonymous said...

Well, the blog post is asking to report suspicious activity, so I will!

There's people standing around in uniforms at various airports acting like security agents! ACTING being the key word.

There's quite a few ways to bring down an airplane, NONE which the TSA's current policies are a joke at best. Some of the employees aren't much better.

In the course of business, I often go to several higher-level federal buildings in the U.S. It's safe to say they're higher-security buildings. At the same time, security there is very unobtrusive. There aren't a ton of agents standing around either. The agents at these federal buildings are extremely professional in both their dress (full suits w/ties) and behavior (always very politely asking, never barking orders).

There's no huge production made out of verifying identity or inspecting briefcases/computers/phones. Oh, and yes, I can bring my lunch (with drink) and leave my shoes on.

So...if other federal agencies protecting assets of far more national importance than a single airplane can do it....why doesn't the TSA?

I'm in full support of true security. However, what the TSA is currently presenting (at least at the checkpoints, which is the only part of the TSA that the average person interacts with) is often a bunch of underpaid, undertrained, inconsistent employees who don't appear to be a reassuring picture of security.

Jim Huggins said...

Cbgb writes:

Logically then they should be moving on when the issue is addressed, not before that.

Define "addressed".

One could argue that simply raising an issue with a top-level posting "addresses" the issue, which would free TSA to immediately move on to the next issue. (Actually, with that interpretation, TSA wouldn't even need to accept blog comments!)

I suspect that some readers here would interpret "addressed" as "completely resolved to the satisfaction of all parties", which ain't gonna happen with most of these topics. (Especially since some readers here wouldn't be satisfied with anything other than the complete abolition of the TSA.)

Honestly, I don't think TSA is trying to divert attention from the topics. If they were, they wouldn't be posting topics that are so obviously controversial and reflecting badly on the agency in the first place ... they'd just post their positive press releases like they do on TSA's home page.

Anonymous said...

"In all fairness, Christopher posted the ID topic after it was brought up on the "Day in the Life" thread."

In all accuracy, he posted it after it made national headlines.

Anonymous said...

I love reading this blog to see what the angry posters who suffer so at checkpoints have to say. Life is indeed hard for them, being that they have to take small-sized liquid containers in their carry-ons. Oh, how they suffer! What is their solution to the 9-11 plane hijackings? "Do nothing? Do something? Wait, you're doing too much! Do you really think you're doing anything?!"

One guy says, "we're not goin g away." As if Blogger Bob satays up late nights wondering what he can post that will cause his job to go away. Then he can declare victory and the posters can once again walk through metal detectors with the soda they bought at the gas station before returing the rental car. And take the 20-oz shampoo with them on their business trip!

Keep having fun, Bob. Some of these posters forgot how and became overwhelmed by simple actions like taking shoes off.

Trollkiller said...

Anonymous said...

"In all fairness, Christopher posted the ID topic after it was brought up on the "Day in the Life" thread."

In all accuracy, he posted it after it made national headlines.

Aw man, I was so busy last week I did not have much time to monitor the national news AND research the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling.

Here I was thinking that Christopher was actually responding to the concerns on this blog.

Oh well if national news is what it takes to get the TSA off of center, then maybe they would like to respond to the following national news stories.

Real Cops don't like TSA pretend Cops.

"Some sworn officers fear airline passengers will mistake screeners for law-enforcement officials with arrest powers." ...

"Actual airport police, who carry guns and have arrest powers, worry that their own authority will be undercut by screeners who look like police."...

Screening workers is just too hard.

"Some in Jacksonville call the screening unnecessary because airport workers are checked for terrorist links, criminal records and immigration violations before receiving ID cards that allow them into secured areas."

"Recent arrests of airport workers:

November: More than 20 temporary workers at Chicago's O'Hare Airport are charged with getting into secured areas using fraudulent airport ID cards.

October: Ten workers at New York's Kennedy Airport are charged with smuggling heroin and cocaine through the airport.

July: Hiram Rivera Ortiz, a JetBlue worker at Orlando International Airport, is charged with agreeing to bring six guns to Puerto Rico on a commercial flight for $4,500. He pleads guilty and is sentenced in January to 70 months in prison.

March 2007: Thomas Anthony Munoz, a Comair worker at Orlando, carries 14 guns into the passenger cabin of an Orlando to- Puerto Rico flight. He pleads guilty in October."

So much for the workers being checked. Of course a lot of that foolishness could be stopped by securing the cargo and luggage with tamper resistant plastic strapping and requiring the airlines not to carry any cargo missing the strap.

Nah that would be too easy. The TSA would rather make sure Spring Breakers can't get into a bar or that the "officers" are BY GOD RESPECTED.

Dunstan said...

Too bad there isn't a Nobel Prize for chicken recipes, Bob...

Anonymous said...

I find it a sad state when you can find humor in an IED, Bob.

But your ok with stepping on the rights of citizens.

Ian said...

Yay for chicken bomb jokes! But tell me, if I share this hilarious anecdote whilst carrying my bucket of KFC through a checkpoint will I be imprisoned?

Abelard said...

What is their solution to the 9-11 plane hijackings? "Do nothing? Do something? Wait, you're doing too much! Do you really think you're doing anything?!"

The 9/11 hijackings would not have been prevented if 1) the hijackers had their shoes scanned, 2) the hijackers had all their liquids in 3 oz. bottles or 3) had their IDs checked.

I challenge you to show me where the 3-1-1 rule, the new ID rule or the show removal rule would have changed what happened in 2001. If you can't, then your snark against those of us who value our Constitution and our liberties is pointless prattle.

Dunstan said...

*Trollkiller* said:
"So much for the workers being checked. Of course a lot of that foolishness could be stopped by securing the cargo and luggage with tamper resistant plastic strapping and requiring the airlines not to carry any cargo missing the strap."

Yup, secure the cargo.
Secure passenger luggage.
If TSA can have badges, how about passengers?
I'd like one that said "Deputy Infrequent Flyer", or "Borderline Patrol Official" or "Security Clearance Survivor", big and really shiny, obnoxious, really....

GoHskrs said...

Not sure where one would suggest a topic for a future blog post, so feel free to delete this if it's in the wrong place.

Scott McCartney in the WSJ comments on restrictions on carry-on baggage in the wake of first-bag fees in this article:

One of the ideas in the article is to bring back the "baggage sizer templates" that used to exist prior to 9/11. This is an atrocious idea that TSA should reject out of hand. There is no point in "evolving" the checkpoint experience (as mentioned previously on this blog), only to add stress, delay, and passenger inconvenience with the baggage sizers again. Parents with car seats or strollers would be particularly inconvenienced by this unnecessary additional step.

Scott mentions that the airlines may only suggest such procedural changes to the TSA, who will have final authority in the matter. This is one suggestion that should never be considered for implementation by TSA.

Anonymous said...

Another link to an article on responses to the new uniforms.

Flailing said...

Damnit the bloody blog team makes as all look like idiots when you can't even respond to these valid questions. You've got officers on there own time trying desperately to refute some of the false hoods presented by well meaning but misinformed passengers and trying to answer questions from understandably upset citizens on our down time. You're drawing you're pay while you do this as a collateral.

Do you have any idea what this blog is doing to screener moral? These people are asking the same questions our officers are asking me and every other lead an supervisor everyday and all we get is silence. Here we are looking at our website and what do we see? More silence and another display that headquarters doesn't give a damn. But we're not surprised anymore. Just dejected, and sad. Maybe TSA will be gone with new administration, maybe we'll still be here. All any of us can hope for is that its not more of the same.

Passengers and citizens, you think we retaliate against you? We in all honesty don't care, most of you are nice, or at the very least indifferent. Our grief and our frustration are more often provoked by the those we answer to.

This is what drives me nuts. What's the point of me riding my officers to remain polite, taking them aside once a week to clear up questions on our SOP, and making sure they're paying attention when every third sup call I get is "they let it through at...".

I do my best to make sure my officers know there job and do my best to instill in them the pride and the sense of duty that should come with being an officer of the United States Federal Service.

But all that is swept aside every time they here a passenger telling them they got it through another airport or on a different shift.

I get to watch the morale of my new officers go to nothing in a few months because the ones that do care see that:

1.) No one else does

and 2.) Even if they do care they don't get recognized for it.

I try to tell them that we are like the police in the sense that we serve the public, we must uphold the public trust, and that at the end of the day we're here to protect them. And then they read this blog or hear it from a passenger, or work overtime and see another shift operate and know that no one else except for a small few feel this way, but no one cares.

For all the good I do, and the good my officers do, the passengers we do serve, who maybe, just maybe after dealing with officers under my command have a renewed faith in TSA or at the very least the checkpoint officers, is undone when they fly though other airports.

I've indented the wall with my forehead, and I don't know what else to do.

Anonymous said...

What would happen if I shared a printout of this entry with a fellow passenger while going through the TSA security theater?

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to pay my taxes next year if you keep wasting it on nonsense like this.

Anonymous said...

re: I've indented the wall with my forehead, and I don't know what else to do.

I think you know what you should do.

Think it's going to get better?

Dust off that resume and get busy. Be a real leader and show your "officers" what real leadership is!

Anonymous said...

Let's say (metophorically) that some group of individuals mean to due American citizens grave harm and let's say that the intelligence services (CIA, FBI, DIA, etc.) get credible actionable information on said threat should the agencies designed to defend and protects us the American citizens ignore this information or should they put policies and procedures into effect to prevent, deter, and defend against said actions. Me personally I would rather my government take proactive protective measures against threats that we have learned are indeed credible than take the reactive steps after the fact.

Bob said...

Marshall said... Well, at least the TSA is good at something - diversionary tactics, i.e., when you're getting blasted in one thread you quickly put up another. Bravo! June 13, 2008 5:54 PM

I suppose we shouldn’t create any new posts? We try to create 2 – 3 per week. We know the current system isn’t perfect, but behind the scenes, we are working on new ways to create different channels that will allow us to better organize blog posts and moderate them. I sincerely thank everybody for being so patient while we grow.

Anonymous said... Bob, Are you on acid? Do you see pink elephants on parade?
June 13, 2008 6:06 PM

I’m just naturally odd. Anybody who knows me could attest to that fact.

Miller said... Next thing banned from going through security check point is all chicken products/derivatives because of the goon who did this. Got to protect us from all terrorist threats, real, imaginary, and Hollywood. June 13, 2008 7:04 PM

Nah, you’ll still be able to bring your chicken products, but no chicken stock!!!

Jim Huggins said... C'mon folks ... quit egging Bob on ...June 13, 2008 9:19 PM

That’s more like it!

Chris Boyce said... Hey, Bob -- You're "doing a heck of a job" trying to divert us from ripping Chertoff, Hawley, and all the rest of you a new one about the retaliatory ID policy. Guess what?? It didn't work... It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
..and, we aren't going away either. June 13, 2008 9:28 PM

I’m glad you’re not going away. Whether I agree or not, I want to read everybody’s opinions. The more diverse our opinions are, the more interesting the blog will be.

Anonymous said... Hey you conspiracy theorists... if you haven't noticed these Blog heads at TSA have been posting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday... doesn't seem diversionary to me ... seems more like a schedule. Get off of them. June 13, 2008 10:03 PM

Ding, ding, ding!

Ayn R. Key said... The TSA says that we have to show valid ID to fly or we can't get in, even with a pat-down alternative. June 13, 2008 10:28 PM

Not true.

Scenario #1 – You forgot your ID at home. You will go through additional screening and be permitted to travel.

Scenario #2 – You openly state you are not going to cooperate and show us your ID. You will not be processed through our checkpoint and you will not fly.

Trollkiller said... Easy people, Blogger Bob did not lay an egg, this is the normal Friday light hearted posting. Posts are not quickly approved on weekends, and most people jump on the newest post. If you post about the chicken pipe bomb, odds are you won't be pissed if the post takes 20 hours to be approved. This does not mean we will be diverted from the more important topics, it just means we have to cool our jets a bit on the weekend. June 14, 2008 12:14 AM

TK is almost right. It’s not written in stone, but we do try to post some lighthearted content every now and then. I think it’s good to mix it up. But, it’s not due to the fact that we don’t want to moderate over the weekends. It does take longer to get your post approved on weekends because we’re all enjoying our days off. There are times when none of us are near a computer on the weekend and that’s when the posts will pile up.

casey said... Oh come on guys.. I thought it was funny! June 14, 2008 1:20 AM

Somebody said I was funny. I need to print this out and tack it to the wall!

MoiN said... lol.. Dude where did you get this picture from? :D
June 14, 2008 5:42 AM

I asked Regina, one of our graphic artists, to Photoshop a raw chicken with a fuse coming out of it. Using stock (no pun intended) photos, she came up with what I like to call: DYNOCHICKEN!

Ayn R. Key said... Blog team, Do you remember how light-hearted post after light-hearted post failed to distract us from the MMW issue? Do you remember how light-hearted post after light-hearted post failed to distract us from 3-1-1? The ID post, with many unanswered questions, won't go away either. I would have thought that you would have learned that distractions don't work. June 14, 2008 11:13 AM

Ayn R. Key, you are obviously an intelligent individual, but even though you think you’ve got us pegged, you couldn’t be more wrong. If we wanted to distract you, we wouldn’t post the articles in the first place. We also wouldn’t provide a forum for you to discuss them as you please.

Sandra said... Trollkiller, this is NOT humorous; it's a blatant attempt to divert attention from the preceding thread, a thread that presents Constitutional issues. The TSA is getting hammered in that thread and therefore, another "humorous" thread is thrown up to divert attention from the real issue. The TSA knows that, unfortunately, most readers won't read beyond the current thread. Therefore, the sad attempt to divert our attention from the real issues. Bob, Christopher, et als: it won't work. June 14, 2008 5:39 PM

Ahhh, Sandra… our biggest fan. Continue with your theories if it makes you feel better. Even though they’re not true…

Anonymous said... if they wanted to distract us from the blog topics, either they wouldnt post about them or wouldnt have created this blog this blog is here for us to show the TSA better ways to improve the checkpoints we have to go through. the checkpoints will never leave. instead of helping them out which in turn would help us out, you just bash them. thank you to trollkiller and the rest of you who can give complaints without stupid remarks. June 14, 2008 6:12 PM

Well said Anonymous.

Anonymous said... The responses here just prove the point that passengers are stupid... just shut up and fly! June 14, 2008 6:26 PM

I’m not sure why this comment was approved, but since it’s here, I’ll address it. Blanket statements like this are worthless and no good comes from them. Also, the “shut up and fly” comment is very unprofessional no matter how much you disagree with somebody.

Trollkiller said... Sandra said...In all fairness, Christopher posted the ID topic after it was brought up on the "Day in the Life" thread. Of course he cut and ran leaving Blogger Bob holding the bag as usual. Christopher opened this Pandora's box and if he thought that the fury would die down quickly he needs to get a refund on his College degree…..
I have watched this blog from the beginning and I have noticed a few things that bother me a bit. …..As near as I can tell the work horse of the Blog Team is Bob, whenever he takes a vacation or business trip the approval times become unbearable. …..If I read Blogger Bob right, he feels compelled to do timely approvals when there is a contentious topic. I think he posts the light hearted posts on Friday so he does not have to devote an enormous amount of time on the weekend to this blog. ….To the Blog Team: Blogger Bob needs the others in the Blog Team to pull their weight. None of this drop a post every now and again and then run away…..Sandra I promise you it will take a lot more than a chicken with a pipe bomb up its butt to divert my attention. I just don't want to crash the only person from the TSA that is consistently committed to this blog for trying to give himself some family time on the weekend. June 15, 2008 4:29 AM

TK, I appreciate the kind words, but there are others on the blog team that help moderate behind the scenes. I can’t take credit for it all. We’re a team. Also, Christopher is a very busy individual. I know if it was his choice, he’d love for nothing more than to dialogue all day with folks on the blog. He just has way too much on his plate to do that.

I think you’ll be happy to know that we’re going to be bringing about 15 folks from the field on board as an official blog squad. They won’t be moderators, but they will comment and compose blog posts.

Kingwood said... It's amazing the ideas people will come up with to be destructive. Just think what they could do if they directed that creativity in a positive direction. As for the "diversionary" accusations, one of the characteristics of a blog is that there are frequent updates. If they held off posting until comments died out, nothing new would put up. June 15, 2008 5:34 PM

Well said.

Ayn R. Key said...

Bob, you cut my question in half. Please review the entire question.

This is what you said I wrote:

The TSA says that we have to show valid ID to fly or we can't get in, even with a pat-down alternative.

This is what I wrote:

The TSA says that we have to show valid ID to fly or we can't get in, even with a pat-down alternative.

The TSA says that soon REAL ID will be the only valid ID.

Several states say they won't conform to REAL ID.

Are residents of those states going to be forbidden to fly?

Now, given the ENTIRE posting, can you get around to the quesiton that is in the post? It's not about the general ID requirement, it's about the REAL ID requirement.

Trollkiller said...

Blogger Bob Said...

Anonymous said... The responses here just prove the point that passengers are stupid... just shut up and fly! June 14, 2008 6:26 PM

I’m not sure why this comment was approved, but since it’s here, I’ll address it. Blanket statements like this are worthless and no good comes from them. Also, the “shut up and fly” comment is very unprofessional no matter how much you disagree with somebody.

Blogger Bob, asinine posts like that SHOULD be approved. It gives us insight on what the real feelings are by the people manning the screening areas. When someone comes up with such a witty retort to all this issues that are brought up on this blog, it tells me they have no defense for their actions.

That anonymous poster shows in vivid color why spiffy new uniforms will not make us respect the screener. Sure you may be able to scare a large portion of the travelers into compliance but they were scared into compliance when the uniform was white.

You say no good will come from a post like that, I disagree. The more people that see it was not just the lone bad screener with an attitude that yelled at them but a culture of ineptness that permeates the TSA.

The more people realize that it is not just the lone TSO the more it will make them mad, once people are mad they act on that anger by trying to get the issues resolved. That means more people will yell at their Congressmen, the Congressmen will yell at Kip and Kip will yell at you.

Once that happens the crappy TSOs are bye bye. You don't want them around, I can tell by your tone with that one.

BTW From Plato until now, one rule of life is above all others… no chicken jokes. Tie jokes are fine. ;-)

Sandra said...

Bob said:

"Ahhh, Sandra… our biggest fan. "

Bob-o, I could easily become your worst nightmare. You wouldn't want that.

Anonymous said...

"Scenario #1 – You forgot your ID at home. You will go through additional screening and be permitted to travel.

Scenario #2 – You openly state you are not going to cooperate and show us your ID. You will not be processed through our checkpoint and you will not fly."

Why? There's absolutely no defense for this policy that's based in security. Someone who refuses to show ID but agrees to be screened poses no danger whatsoever. Once again, TSA cares not at all about security. It's all about control. Shame on you. You are not patriots; you are a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Trollkiller said...
Blogger Bob Said...

Anonymous said... The responses here just prove the point that passengers are stupid... just shut up and fly! June 14, 2008 6:26 PM

I’m not sure why this comment was approved, but since it’s here, I’ll address it. Blanket statements like this are worthless and no good comes from them. Also, the “shut up and fly” comment is very unprofessional no matter how much you disagree with somebody.

Blogger Bob, asinine posts like that SHOULD be approved. It gives us insight on what the real feelings are by the people manning the screening areas. When someone comes up with such a witty retort to all this issues that are brought up on this blog, it tells me they have no defense for their actions.

Again, everyone aytomatically assumes this post was a TSO, with the anonymous moniker it just might have been someone else trying (marginally succeeding)in making all TSO's look bad. That being said, it might indeed have been a TSO and if it was I say shame on you, if this is how you feel then quit and go flip burgers somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Ayn R. Key said... The TSA says that we have to show valid ID to fly or we can't get in, even with a pat-down alternative. June 13, 2008 10:28 PM

Not true.

Scenario #1 – You forgot your ID at home. You will go through additional screening and be permitted to travel.

Scenario #2 – You openly state you are not going to cooperate and show us your ID. You will not be processed through our checkpoint and you will not fly.

Not showing ID in no way demonstrates an uncooperative person.

Stating who I am should be enough unless there is a evudence of a possible unlawful act that has occurred.

You admit that additional screening is all that needs to be done for someone who forgot their ID, how can that not be enough for someone who desires not to identify themselves to a representative of the federal govenment?

You cannot have two standards and not trample on the rights of the public.

I'm sorry but answer #2 is retalitory in nature and simply unjust.

Ayn R. Key said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?"

To avoid the TSA.


lulu said...

Bob is naturally odd but we love him anyway!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Abelard said...

"I challenge you to show me where the 3-1-1 rule, the new ID rule or the show removal rule would have changed what happened in 2001. If you can't, then your snark against those of us who value our Constitution and our liberties is pointless prattle."

9-11 was only the first strike. That's why passengers can't take boxcutters. Cockpits were reinforced. Lessons learned. The shoe bomber was another strike. Remember that? That's why you have to take off your shoesie-woosies. I know it's asking a lot. Then there was a plot to blow up planes from London to NY with liquid explosives. TSA reacted while allowing people to still take a quart of liquids. But even that is asking too much. I'm glad we're all in this together, people.

I like how what I say is snark, Abelard, but what you say is defending the Constitution.

yangj08 said...

What happened to my last comment? I wanted to ask- what happens when a foreigner loses their ID? That secondary was because his ID was considered invalid by a TSO for whatever reason. Today that same person would have to go through verification or be denied. Where would verification data for non-Americans come from? Or will they all be denied?

Anonymous said...

awesome image!

So your relatives make stuffing like that too?
How do you spell relief?

That image is very cool, but I'm curious if you found it, or had a photoshoot? If the idea was brought to life with a photography expert, it makes it 3 times funnier. in my opinion. :)


Des Moines Photographer said...

I enjoy the humor of the post. Keep up the good work blog team!

Rhondalyn Teel said...

Unfortunantely, this is a typical incident. What a waste of man power and public funds.

Yes, I am talking about this post...

edward said...

Whilst I hate to fan the flames of bad taste, perhaps the "true intent" was simply that they were looking for a quick way to cook a chicken - and didn't have a microwave!

Nice post, Bob - it made me laugh (and it's either tears or laughter in these situations, right?) :-)

Chicken Ark said...

I thought this post was 'clucking' amazingly funny!