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Working Paper 701 (August 2012)

Real-Time Forecasting with a Mixed-Frequency VAR
Frank Schorfheide, Dongho Song
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 700 (August 2012)

Migration, Congestion Externalities, and the Evaluation of Spatial Investments
Taryn Dinkelman, Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 699 (August 2012)

Eventually, Noise and Imitation Implies Balanced Growth
Erzo G.J. Luttmer
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 698 (August 2012)

Unconventional Fiscal Policy at the Zero Bound
Isabel Correia, Emmanuel Farhi, Juan Pablo Nicolini, Pedro Teles
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 697 (April 2012)

Understanding the Long-Run Decline in Interstate Migration
Greg Kaplan, Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 696 (Revised March 2012)

Slow Convergence in Economies with Firm Heterogeneity
Erzo G.J. Luttmer
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 695 (February 2012)

Clearing Arrangements in the United States before the Federal Reserve System
Warren E. Weber
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 694 (Revised May 2012)

The Labor Productivity Puzzle
Ellen R. McGrattan, Edward C. Prescott
Published In: Government Policies and the Delayed Economic Recovery (Hoover Institution Press, 2012, pp. 115-154)
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]
[Additional Information is available for this paper]

Working Paper 693 (December 2011)

Catch-up Growth Followed by Stagnation: Mexico, 1950–2010
Timothy J. Kehoe, Felipe Meza
Published In: Latin American Journal of Economics (Vol. 48, No. 2, November 2011, pp. 227-268)
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 692 (November 2011)

On Efficiently Financing Retirement
Ellen R. McGrattan, Edward C. Prescott
Replaced by Staff Report 472
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 691 (October 2011)

Buyers, Sellers and Middlemen: Variations in Search Theory
Yuet-Yee Wong, Randall Wright
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 690 (October 2011)

Sticky Prices: A New Monetarist Approach
Allen Head, Lucy Qian Liu, Guido Menzio, Randall Wright
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 689 (October 2011)

Endogenous Credit Cycles
Chao Gu, Randall Wright
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 688 (October 2011)

Innovation and Growth with Financial, and other, Frictions
Jonathan Chiu, Cesaire Meh, Randall Wright
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

Working Paper 687 (Revised November 2011)

Technology Capital Transfer
Thomas J. Holmes, Ellen R. McGrattan, Edward C. Prescott
[Paper available on-line as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file or PostScript file]

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