Community Dividend

Wind turbine to power tribal college

Published August 1, 2004  |  August 2004 issue

A college campus in the Ninth District will soon run entirely on renewable energy, according to the Spring 2004 issue of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium’s Tribal College Journal publication.

Turtle Mountain Community College (TMCC) in Belcourt, N.D., will install a 660-kilowatt wind turbine this summer, completing a long-term plan to make the campus completely self-sufficient in its use of energy. The turbine is expected to generate 1,900,000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually, saving the college an estimated $131,000 in energy costs each year. Wind power will complement TMCC’s heating and cooling system, which relies on geothermal energy instead of fossil fuels.

Much of the project’s funding came from the U.S. Congress, with technical assistance provided by the Foundation for the American Indian. The foundation is also involved in another turbine project at Fort Peck Community College in Poplar, Mont.


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