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Stand-To: Procedure prior to first light to enhance unit security, a daily compendium of news, information, and context for Army leaders.

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STAND-TO! Edition: Friday, September 7 2012

Today's Focus:

Vehicle Power (Non-tactical)

Senior Leaders are Saying

As thousands of our fellow Americans respond to and recover from the damage done by Hurricane Isaac, we are called to remember that throughout our history, emergencies and natural disasters have tested the fabric of our country. During National Preparedness Month, we renew our commitment to promoting emergency preparedness in homes, businesses, and communities nationwide, and to building an America more ready and resilient than ever before.

- President Barack Obama

Read the complete, Presidential Proclamation -- National Preparedness Month, 2012

What They're Saying

Military service has prepared me for the Paralympics by teaching me determination, patience and just overall hard work. My goal for the Paralympics is to be able to perform my best, to perform at the level I know I can. If I do that, I should be on the medal stand.

- Sgt. 1st Class Joshua Olson, a member of the 2012 Paralympic shooting team and the Army Marksmanship Unit, has also helped develop an innovative prosthesis that has helped countless wounded warriors.

Army Paralympic shooter helps pioneer prosthesis

Related site: U.S. Army Olympians/Paralympian

A Culture of Engagement


150 Years: The Battle of Gettysburg: The American Civil War


National Preparedness Month: STAND-TO!
Suicide Prevention Month: STAND-TO!
and related site
National Hispanic Heritage Month

Sept. 11: Patriots Day

Sept. 16: POW/MIA Recognition Day

Sept. 25: Gold Star Mothers Day

Today's Focus

Vehicle Power (Non-tactical)

What is it?

Vehicle Power (Non-tactical) is the fuel and energy required by non combat Army vehicles to carry out our Soldiers' transportation and support missions. The Army's non-tactical vehicle (NTV) fleet is 30 percent passenger, 40 percent light truck and 30 percent special duty/purpose vehicles. More than 84 percent of these vehicles are leased through the General Services Administration (GSA).

What is the Army doing?

The Army has committed to reducing petroleum usage in its NTVs.

Since 2009, the Army has focused on acquiring alternative fuel vehicles, through GSA leases and purchases. Over 1,000 vehicles are now low speed electric vehicles ideal for maintenance vehicles, landscaping vehicles, golf course vehicles, aviation support vehicles and dozens of other base support applications. More than 3,300 vehicles are hybrid gas/electric vehicles.

The Army is installing Smart-Charging Micro Grid systems for plug-in electric vehicles. The Smart-Charging Micro Grid system includes a 25-kilowatt solar power array and 200 kilowatt-hours of battery storage, and has the ability to provide instant backup power to support three buildings for 72 hours.

The Army is focusing on acquiring alternative fuel vehicles and taking advantage of the emerging bio fuels market. The Army has the largest federal fleet of vehicles (27,990) that can run on 85 percent ethanol (E85) fuel. Many installations are installing bio-fuel stations.

Installations have achieved an 8 percent reduction in petroleum usage.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

The Army is researching technologies which could be applied to improve vehicle efficiency, and plans to reach a 30 percent reduction in petroleum usage in non-tactical vehicles by 2016.

The Army Science and Technology community is pursuing fuel efficient vehicle pilots on both the tactical and non-tactical fronts. Research technologies include fuel cells, advanced batteries, hybrid vehicle components and advanced engines for motive and auxiliary power.

Why is this important to the Army?

The Army has long taken for granted the availability of abundant, affordable and accessible fossil fuels to support our operations. Today, we face a rising world-wide demand for scarce resources. Oil price increases are spurred by spreading unrest. The effects of climate change and profound cultural and demographic tensions play significant roles in our future security environment. We must continue incorporating geostrategic and operational energy considerations into force planning, requirements development, and acquisition processes. These ongoing efforts not only benefit the Army, but make us less vulnerable to the volatility of oil prices. These efforts are not only good for the environment but imperative to energy security.


Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy & Environment)
Army Energy News
Energy Initiatives Task Force

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