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ShakeOut and my school

Editor’s note: the following is posted by Gabriela Rodriguez, a member of FEMA’s Youth Preparedness Council from Puerto Rico. She shares how her school is involved in the ShakeOut earthquake drill coming up Oct. 18, as well as the steps it has taken to prepare for earthquakes. Learn more about the ShakeOut drill at

There are many reasons why I decided to participate, along with my school, in the ShakeOut.  As the youth representative in my region, (FEMA Region II) I’m always seeking for new opportunities to advise friends and neighbors on emergency preparedness, and this seemed like an excellent way to do so. Through the ShakeOut, we can practice and verify our evacuation plans, and if we did not have one, the drill provides a reason to develop it.

Our REACT group has modified the existing plan at the school, along with the directors, as we had some challenges with the more distant areas or closed air conditioned rooms. We established a sequenced sound system with bells as part of the evacuation and we are completing the final details to have a good activity that may remain permanently in our school.

My school holds regular drills and constantly strives to be better prepared. That also encouraged me to register, because we always have the unconditional support of our directors.

Thank you,

Gabriela Rodríguez 

FEMA Region II Youth Preparedness Council representative


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Last Updated: 
10/17/2012 - 14:26