EPA Continues to Evade Oversight of Alaskan Watershed Assessment

Oct 5, 2012
EPA Continues to Evade Oversight of Alaskan Watershed Assessment

Washington DC – Today in a letter sent to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson, Investigations and Oversight Chairman Paul Broun (R-GA) once again reiterated his request for a briefing on the EPA’s draft scientific review titled, “An Assessment of Potential Mining Impacts on Salmon Ecosystems of Bristol Bay, Alaska.”  Earlier this week, EPA cancelled, without explanation, a briefing on the assessment that was two months in the making.  Chairman Broun had originally requested a briefing on the topic in an August 6, 2012 letter.   

“I am disappointed by this turn of events, and hope this is not a sign of how your agency will proceed on this matter.  As Chairman of the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, I am very interested in how this scientific review was conducted,” Chairman Broun states in his letter.  “After two months, EPA should be able to explain a scientific review that it has made such a priority,” Broun concluded.     

Full letter can be found HERE.