U.S. Congressman Kenny Marchant

Proudly Serving the 24th District of Texas
May 2010 | Beverly Henry

thumbnailI was invited to Represent Voice for Adoption in October 2009 (by Congressman Sam Johnson who thought we resided in his district J).   Last October, I advocated to congressional members in Washington DC, both the need for increased adoptions nationwide (currently there are 123,000 mostly school aged “waiting” children in the US), improved adoptive policy, post adoptive needs and increased post adoptive services.    Our family “story” is shared in the Voice of Adoption Adoptive Family Portrait Project 2009 and in the State of Texas Adoption Booklets 2009.   I have agreed and am happy to answer questions about domestic and/or sibling group adoption.    I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to give voice for adoptees and adoptive families who provide children permanency through adoption in my area. 

What inspired you to get involved with Voice for Adoption?

I have been a supporter of Kenny Marchant as well as an active member of his district – fundraising for children’s educational needs, supporting senior citizens and veterans recognition.  Through these interactions, Mr. Marchant’s office became aware of our family.   I was greatly honored when Congressman Marchant’s office asked me to represent the 24th District.  Inspiration comes from the joys and trials we have encountered and conquered as an adoptive family and the desire to encourage others to consider adoption as a very loving way to serve and give back what God has blessed most of us here in this country with:  Opportunity…   

How has your evolvement with Voice for Adoption affected your life and the people you have helped? 

While still fairly new to Voice for adoption, I have become keenly aware of the need for adoptees and their families to have a “voice”.  There are special needs and issues that are unique to adoptive placements which many times can be easily overcome.   I do not see these needs being met at a satisfactory level.  

Realizing that no matter how imperfect or busy that I feel I am, I have significant opportunity to bless others who are considering adoption and/or who are in an adoption placement.   If I can be of service to anyone of these amazing families and children, I will do it.   I have become aware of the need to advocate for adoptive families and waiting children which has made it easy to speak out or up and offer a word (or deed).   

Lastly, we are thankful for our beautiful children that God has blessed us as well as with the life we now have as a family.  We desire to encourage others, no matter what their hesitation, to check into adoption.  As of March 2008, there are 12, 191 children in Texas foster care waiting to be adopted according to the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting system (AFCARS).  Visit http://adoptuskids.org/ or http://www.voice-for-adoption.org/assembled/home.html for more information.