
Videos: Lessons from August Town Halls
Posted by Eric Wilson on September 15, 2009
J.P. Freire on the source of Americans' frustrations

The Washington Examiner's J.P. Freire explains the source of the authentic public outcry against Democrats' health care reform proposals.

Grace-Marie Turner on public engagement

President of the Galen Institute, Grace-Marie Turner explains what the unprecedented public engagement on health care policy means for the current reform debate.

Mark McClellan on the challenges for reform

Dr. Mark McClellan, physician and economist at the Brookings Institution, discusses the unanswered policy questions in health care reform.

Dennis Smith: "not everything can be true"

Dennis Smith, Senior Fellow in Health Reform at the Heritage Foundation, highlights the public's genuine concerns about Democrats and their rightful skepticism.
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • james James Griffin commented on 10/3/2009
    Dont make any changes.........keep it as is.
  • Deanna Gieryic commented on 10/9/2009
    Congress MUST listen to the people. We placed them in office and we will take them out in 2010! Congress is NOT looking out for the American people, but themselves and we will rebel. We will READ every word that is in it, just give us a chance.
  • Bryan Watson commented on 10/26/2009
    The people were saying: Don't kill my parents! Don't ration my access to health care! Don't put my health care in the hands of bureaucrats! Don't force me to have an abortion! Don't force me to die when I'm too old! Don't force me to die when I'm too sick! And government listened and said: "Okay. We won't do any of those things!" Easy to say, because none of those were on anybody's plan. So the people got angry and afraid about the lies and the distortions. When the lies were made known as fraudulent, everyone's temper got calmer. Except, of course, the liars.
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