
I'm proud to represent North Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives. Before heading to Congress, I was a practicing Ob/Gyn for 25 years.
About Me
This is the Official Congressional Page for Congressman Michael C. Bugress, M.D. While all viewpoints are welcome, posts which include explicit campaign content, are considered spam, engage in personal attacks, or include vulgar, profane, or obscene language will be removed. Individuals who continue to violate these guidelines will be removed from the site and reported to Facebook. Items and questions posted on Facebook are not guaranteed to receive a response. If you would like to contact Congressman Burgess directly, you may email him by visiting http://burgess.house.gov/Contact.
First elected to Congress in 2002 after practicing medicine in North Texas for nearly three decades.

Currently serving on the House Energy & Commerce Committee and three of its subcommittees: Health, Energy & Environment, and Oversight & Investigations. I chair the Congressional Healthcare Caucus, and I am also a member of the bipartisan Joint Economic Committee.

Basic Info