Jeffrey Coolidge / Getty Images

North Korea Invades! (And Other Pentagon War Games)

A visit to the U.S. Army War College's war gaming week in Pennsylvania



Nurses: A Key to Health Care Reform

One of the few things that just about all sides agree upon in this health care debate is that we need more primary care providers — lots more.

Real Clear Politics

The Law of Unintended Consequences

In theory, the switch made perfect sense. Arlen Specter would switch parties, have the primary field cleared for him, romp over Pat Toomey in the general election, then continue his Senate career as before. What could possibly go wrong?

Obama's First 100 Days

An Illustrated Calendar

As the historic presidency reaches its 100-day milestone, offers a look back at Barack Obama's news-packed start, day by day, quote by quote and picture by picture

Special Report

Supreme Court Nomination Battles

Justice David H. Souter's retirement from the Supreme Court means President Obama will make his first appointment to the high court. TIME takes a look back at some of fiercest Supreme Court nomination battles in history


Buying Black: An Ebony Experiment

A Chicago couple vows to buy from black-owned businesses only for an entire year. They call it an empowerment experiment. But is it racist?

Quotes of the Day »

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Interior Secretary KEN SALAZAR, addressing a question about safety concerns in the crown of the Statue of Liberty, which will reopen on July 4 — the first time since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks