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Covert Testing

Security Screening

What is Covert Testing?

Photo of an older bomb device

Covert testing in aviation security dates back to the 1970s when airport security checkpoints were first created. What started as testing with fully assembled mock bombs and guns has evolved to highly sophisticated devices and explosives components  used by expert testers with extensive insider knowledge. Today's covert testers are using tests directly tied to intelligence and evolving threats, and are testing security with items as small as a pen cap.

Why is Covert Testing Important?

Photo of a modern detonator

Many people think the purpose of covert testing is to catch an officer missing an object. In fact, covert testing is a tool to identify vulnerabilities in the system and uncover weaknesses of training, procedures or technology. It is designed to assess system-wide effectiveness and drive improvement through training.

Photo of a camera with a bomb detonator

Today's covert testers are one of the best assets we have to continually raise the bar on security. In fact, as security officers adapt and begin to consistently discover covert testing methods, testers start all over again, creating more difficult and harder-to-detect tests. Testing simulates real terrorist probing and operations and keeps officers alert and informed of the latest techniques and improvements.

Types of Testing

Testing of officers takes many forms, some of these include:

Photo of a TSO looking at an x-ray monitor

How Covert Testing Benefits Security

Photo of an airplane flying

Covert testing is a critical element of the aviation security system. It measures effectiveness, identifies vulnerabilities, constantly adapts to challenge officers while incorporating intelligence in a useable way. Simply put, without very difficult, adaptive covert testing, the aviation security system would not be as effective as it is today.

Some best practices developed as a result of covert testing include; placing testing bomb kits at every checkpoint in the nation to help officers familiarize themselves with bombs and components, enhanced scrutiny of shoes and other bulky clothing and many other significant enhancements.