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Archive of Meeting Materials

This page is an archive of documents from National Advisory Council meetings and conference calls held between December 2007 and today. Documents include Federal Register notices, agendas, meeting materials, written public comments—if they were received, and meeting notes.  The meetings are open to the public.


September 13-15, 2016 Meeting in Arlington, VA

In September 2016, the NAC met in Arlington, Virginia to receive briefings from FEMA Executive Staff (Office of Response and Recovery, National Preparedness Directorate, and Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration), speak with a FEMA Deputy Regional Administrator about coordination between the NAC and regional offices, and engage in open discussions with the FEMA Administrator and FEMA Deputy Administrator. The NAC heard from a panel of experts on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) disaster-related technology and discussed the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) subcommittee formation with Deputy Administrator Manning.  The NAC subcommittees (Federal Insurance and Mitigation, Preparedness and Protection, Response and Recovery, and the Spontaneous Volunteers Ad Hoc Subcommittee) provided reports to the NAC about their work, and deliberated and voted on recommendations for the FEMA Administrator. Recommendations passed include those related to standards for flood insurance adjustors, planning and coordination for responses involving medical countermeasures, bystander training on lifesaving techniques, and the use and integration of spontaneous volunteers. Read and download meeting materials.

May 10-12, 2016 Meeting in Austin, TX

The NAC meeting in Austin, Texas included a review of FEMA’s response to the NAC’s February 2016 Meeting Recommendations, and briefings from FEMA Executive Staff (FEMA Office of Response and Recovery, FEMA National Preparedness Directorate, and FEMA Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration), as well as a briefing on military support to FEMA. The NAC also heard from the FEMA Region VI Administrator about activities in the FEMA Regions and engaged in an open discussion with the FEMA Deputy Administrator.  The four NAC subcommittees: Federal Insurance and Mitigation Subcommittee, Preparedness and Protection Subcommittee, Response and Recovery Subcommittee, and the Spontaneous Volunteers Ad Hoc Subcommittee, provided reports to the NAC about their work, after which the NAC deliberated on recommendations presented in the subcommittees' reports and voted on recommendations for the FEMA Administrator.  Finally, the NAC received a briefing about supply chain resiliency. Read and download the agenda and meeting minutes.

February 9-11, 2016 Meeting in Raleigh, NC

The NAC met in Raleigh, North Carolina with the FEMA Administrator to receive report outs from its subcommittees on federal insurance and mitigation, preparedness and protection, and response and recovery issues. The NAC reviewed the information presented on each topic, deliberated on any recommendations presented in the subcommittees’ reports, and formulated recommendations for FEMA’s consideration. The NAC received briefings from FEMA Executive Staff on the following topics: Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration, Office of National Preparedness Directorate, and FEMA Office of Response and Recovery Activities. The NAC heard remarks from the FEMA Youth Preparedness Council. The NAC engaged in an open discussion with the FEMA Deputy Administrator.  Read and download the agenda and meeting minutes.


March 4-5, 2015 Meeting in New Orleans, LA

The NAC met in New Orleans, Louisiana with the FEMA Administrator to receive report outs from its subcommittees on federal insurance and mitigation, preparedness and protection, and response and recovery issues. The NAC reviewed the information presented on each topic, deliberated on any recommendations presented in the subcommittees’ reports, and formulated recommendations for FEMA’s consideration. The NAC received briefings from FEMA Executive Staff on the following topics: FEMA Louisiana Recovery Office, Looking Back on Hurricane Katrina; and FEMA Office of Response and Recovery Activities and Updates.  The NAC engaged in an open discussion with the FEMA Deputy Administrator, followed by an update on and discussion with the Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration, a presentation on recovery from a local perspective, and an update on America’s PrepareAthon!.  Read and download the agenda and meeting minutes. Read a blog post about the meeting.

September 16-18, 2015 Meeting in Washington, DC

The NAC met in Washington, DC with the FEMA Administrator to receive report outs from its subcommittees on federal insurance and mitigation, preparedness and protection, and response and recovery issues. The NAC reviewed the information presented on each topic, deliberated on any recommendations presented in the subcommittees’ reports, and formulated recommendations for FEMA’s consideration. The NAC also received updates from FEMA Executive Staff from the following program offices: Office of Response and Recovery, National Preparedness Directorate, Flood Insurance and Mitigation Administration, and the Office of Disability Integration and Coordination. The President of Gallaudet University and the Director of the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency also provided remarks. The NAC also met with the National Tribal Affairs Advisor, the Children’s Advisor, and NAC member presentations. Read and download the agenda and meeting documents.


March 19, 2014 Meeting in Philadelphia, PA

The NAC met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with the FEMA Administrator to receive report outs from its subcommittees on the following topics: progress on issues related to federal insurance and mitigation, preparedness and protection, and response and recovery. The NAC reviewed the information presented on each topic, deliberated on any recommendations presented in the subcommittees’ reports, and formulated recommendations for FEMA’s consideration. The NAC also received briefings from FEMA Executive Staff on the following topics: America’s PrepareAthon; the FEMA Strategic Plan; Disability Inclusive Emergency Management; Implementation of the National Preparedness System; the Emergency Management Institute; the National Preparedness Grant Program; and FEMA’s Climate Adaptation and Resilience Initiative. Read the agenda, the Federal Register Notice, written public comments, presentation materials, and meeting notes.

September 17-18, 2014 Meeting in Los Angeles, CA

The NAC met in Los Angeles, California with the FEMA Administrator and Deputy Administrator to receive report outs from its subcommittees. The NAC reviewed the information presented on each topic, deliberated on any recommendations presented in the subcommittees' reports, and formulated recommendations for FEMA's consideration. The NAC also received briefings from FEMA Executive Staff on the following topics: America's PrepareAthon, the FEMA Strategic Plan, Public Health and Medical Integration in Emergency Management; 2015 Special Olympics Preparations, and Emergency Management Coordination on Colleges and Universities. Read the agenda, the Federal Register Notice, presentation materials, and meeting notes.


April 26, 2013 Meeting in Washington, DC

The NAC met in Washington, DC with the FEMA Administrator and FEMA Deputy Administrator for the purpose of reviewing the progress and/or potential recommendations of its three subcommittees: Preparedness and Protection Subcommittee; Response and Recovery Subcommittee; and Federal Insurance and Mitigation Subcommittee. The NAC also discussed how FEMA allocates planning, training, and funding resources to ensure whole community response and recovery efforts are sustainable beyond 72 hours; the National Mass Care Strategy; the review and update of the National Incident Management System (NIMS); Group Flood Insurance Policy; Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012; the FEMA Qualification System (FQS); and the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act. There was also a briefing on the FEMA Sandy After Action Report and the National Preparedness Grant Program. Read the agenda, the Federal Register Notice, presentation materials, and meeting notes. No public written comments were received prior to this meeting.

December 3, 2013 Public Teleconference

The NAC met by conference call to receive reports from its subcommittees on the following topics: review and update of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012. The NAC reviewed the information presented on each topic, deliberated on any recommendations presented in the subcommittees’ reports, and formulated recommendations for FEMA’s consideration. Read the agenda, the Federal Register Notice, public comments, presentation materials, and meeting notes.


February 16, 2012 Meeting in San Francisco, CA

The NAC met in San Francisco, California on February 16, 2012 for the purpose of reviewing the progress and/or potential recommendations of its four subcommittees: Preparedness and Protection, Response and Recovery, Public Engagement and Mission Support, and Federal Insurance and Mitigation. The NAC discussed the Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) on National Preparedness, the Campaign to Build and Sustain Preparedness, the National Mitigation Framework, the National Response Framework, the National Preparedness Goal, the Emergency Management Institute (EMI), Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) program, National Disaster Recovery Framework, and the personal disaster assistance and individual assistance programs. Read the Federal Register Notice, presentation materials, and meeting notes. No public written comments were received prior to this meeting.

July 12, 2012 Meeting in Arlington, VA

The NAC met in Arlington, Virginia to review the progress and/or potential recommendations of its four subcommittees: Preparedness and Protection, Response and Recovery, Public Engagement and Mission Support, and Federal Insurance and Mitigation. The NAC discussed the National Frameworks as outlined in Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD–8) on National Preparedness, the Public Assistance Bottom-Up Review, Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program, Whole Community within Strategic Foresight Initiative (SFI), Youth Preparedness Strategic Framework, and FEMA Workforce Transformation. Read the agenda, the Federal Register Notice, presentation materials, and meeting notes. No public written comments were received prior to this meeting.

October 18, 2012 Meeting in Arlington, VA

The NAC met in Arlington, Virginia for the purpose of reviewing the progress and/ or potential recommendations of its four subcommittees: Preparedness and Protection, Response and Recovery, Public Engagement and Mission Support, and Federal Insurance and Mitigation. New members were sworn in at the beginning of the meeting, and the Administrator and Deputy Administrator discussed the general state of FEMA with the members. The NAC also discussed the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Reform Bill; FEMA’s Private Sector Office initiative, the National Business Emergency Operation Center (NBEOC); youth preparedness and engagement; Mid-Level Career Program at the Emergency Management Institute (EMI); the Strategic Foresight Initiative (SFI); the use of specialized international teams in response; and the FEMA Qualification System (FQS). Read the agenda, the Federal Register Notice, presentation materials, and meeting notes. No public written comments were received prior to this meeting.


Please contact us for any meeting documents prior to 2012.

Last Updated: 
09/22/2016 - 08:37