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Facebook Military Crisis Tools To Aid Families Of Vets

The Huffington Post  |  By Posted: 05/09/2012 11:51 am

Facebook Military

Facebook has launched yet another service to help those in need, this time for military members, veterans and families suffering from the mental and emotional effects of war.

A May 9 post to the U.S. Military's Facebook page by Blue Star Families, a nonprofit organization providing support for military families, announced the new feature, which is being offered through Facebook in partnership with Blue Star Families and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

According to the post, Blue Star Families worked with Facebook engineers to develop this customized tool, which will allow friends and loved ones to report suicidal content posted by military family or service members and, in return, receive military-related counseling information.

The post continues thus:

Today, we along with Facebook and the Department of Veterans Affairs are proud to announce that the Facebook military crisis content is live. As a result, friends and families with concerns about veterans, active duty service members and military family members will receive specific information about crisis services for our nation’s military including The Veterans Crisis Line. The Veterans Crisis line connects veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders via phone, online chat or text messaging.

As MSNBC points out, the social network had previously launched a program late last year to help prevent suicide by enabling users to connect directly with National Suicide Prevention Lifeline crisis counselors through Facebook's chat feature.

However, this new service has been designed specifically for the needs of military members and their families; according to Blue Star Families' latest Military Lifestyle Survey, 10 percent of military family members have considered suicide, while 9 percent of military service members have done the same.

Recently, on May 1, Facebook launched a different tool, which allows users in the U.S. and the U.K. to report their organ donor status and officially sign up with an appropriate organ donor registry in their area. A day after Facebook rolled out the new feature, 6,000 people had enrolled through 22 state registries. In addition, more than 100,000 had shared their organ donor status on the site.

You can learn more about these new Facebook tools for military members and families by tuning in to a live, interactive event airing on May 10 at 3 p.m. EST on Facebook's DC Talks page. RSVP for the event here.

What do you think about this newest Facebook feature? Share your thoughts with us below!

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From our partners

Facebook has launched yet another service to help those in need, this time for military members, veterans and families suffering from the mental and emotional effects of war. A May 9 post to the U.
Facebook has launched yet another service to help those in need, this time for military members, veterans and families suffering from the mental and emotional effects of war. A May 9 post to the U.
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Recency  | 
12:06 AM on 05/10/2012
. Facebook is a front for big brother looking into your home lugggage it goes in your computer and takes out stuff not authorize,

Warning for Facebook Users
Subject: State-sponsored cyber spies want your Facebook status

One for the OPSEC file.

April 9, Nextgov - (International) State-sponsored cyber spies want your Facebook status, researchers say. According to security researchers, Facebook frequently takes flack for privacy invasions, but the next controversial byproduct of the social network may be cyber espionage, Nextgov reported April 9. Status updates on Facebook posted by friends and family of government officials or the officials' own unencrypted Facebook activities can be used to gather intelligence such as U.S. troop movements, said the security strategy director for cybersecurity firm Imperva. While data brokers profit by collating social communications for advertisers, spies and hackers on government payrolls can profit by parsing the same information. Government-sponsored hackers and spies may use tactics such as eavesdropping on a Facebook member's activities through unencrypted Wi-Fi connections. Facebook uses a secure connection to read users' log-in credentials but all other data is sent back and forth in an unprotected format. Responding to this potential vulnerability, Facebook in January allowed users to opt into a setting that secures all Facebook activities. Imperva recommends users enable that option. Source: http://www.nextgov.com/nextgov/ng_20120409_3435.php

Garet W. Johnson
Office of Performance Assurance (NA-712) National Nuclear Security Administration
Voice: (202) 586-9081
Unclassified: garet.johnson@nnsa.doe.gov
"civil war" is an oxymoron
04:51 AM on 05/10/2012
Would you like some more tinfoil for your hat?
08:04 PM on 05/17/2012
LOL tinfoil. do you read much or you always that ignorant
This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program
I don't read lib counter-comments. Waste of time.
05:32 PM on 05/09/2012
Glad to see private organizations and groups are reaching out to help our vets. Not much ever coming from the government. In this desperate climate, Americans need to stick together---or those who care enough to do it.