Post Traumatic Stress Disorde (PTSD): Not Just a Military Problem



Mike Anslinger is a 22 year US Army Veteran. He has multiple combat tours, most recently 3 ½ years total in Iraq. His first Iraqi tour was the invasion of Iraq. Mr. Anslinger has been the awarded 2 Bronze Stars and the Bronze Star w/ Valor. Mike has been to every leadership school in the NCOES. He also graduated from US Army Jump School, Air Assault, & Rappel Master School. Mike retired as a First Sergeant(E-8). Mike started the Veterans Rally Point soon after his retirement. The VRP helps Veterans struggling through PTSD by providing a Peer to Peer support group and a Family to Family support group. Other programs the VRP supports are the Homeless Vets, Veterans Legal Rights, and the Veterans Jail Diversion program. Mike is a certified Mental Health First Aid Instructor, and a certified Peer to Peer facilitator.