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General Information
HR Advisor
HR Advisor: Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2011

Foreign Transfer Allowance (FTA) - PreDeparture Subsistence Expenses

The Predeparture Subsistence Expense Portion of the FTA is granted to assist employees and accompanying dependents with the costs of temporary lodging, meals, laundry, and dry cleaning that are incurred when an employee transfers overseas from a post in the United States. The allowance may be granted for up to 10 days before final departure from the United States, beginning not more than 30 days after the employee has vacated permanent residence quarters. The 10 days may be taken anywhere in the United States as long as the employee and family members have not begun travel on orders and the final departure is from U.S. actual place of residence or post of assignment. There is no authorization to reimburse employees for any local transportation costs. Keep this in mind when deciding when to ship your vehicle.

For further information on this allowance, go to Section 240 of the DSSR.