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Charles Duelfer  
Distinguished Speaker Program
The Coast Guard Academy has been privileged to host a number of guest lecturers who are notable experts in the field of intelligence and national security; such as:

  • Mr. Charles Duelfer, former Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence for Iraq WMD, (led Iraq Survey Group that conducted the investigation of the scope of Iraq's WMD)
  • Admiral James Loy, USCG (ret.), Former Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, first Tyler Leadership Chair at the Coast Guard Academy and current member of the Cohen Group
  • Bruce Hoffman, RAND Senior Counterterrorism Analyst and author of Inside Terrorism
  • Nigel West, former member of British Parliament and world renown author on Intelligence History and Espionage
  • Mr. George Tenet, former Director of Central Intelligence

In addition, in academic years 2009-2012 the Distinguished Speaker Series has hosted:  

  • Special Agent David Britten, FBI, Senior Case Agent Lackawanna Six Terrorism Investigation
  • Dr. Nicholas Dujmovic, CIA Historian and 1980 Graduate of the CGA
  • LCDR Tyler Harrison, Defense Attaché to Jamaica
  • CDR A. Reese Madsen, USCG (ret.) DoD Intelligence Chief Learning Officer
  • Mr. Robert Irvine, Director, Coast Guard Counterintelligence Service
  • CAPT Ivan Luke, USCG (ret.), current faculty at the Naval War College
  • Mr. Bill Parquette, Foreign Denial and Deception Committee, National Intelligence Council, Chairman Education and Training
  • Dr./Col. Bill Spracher, USA (ret.), former DIA/NDIC faculty member and Editor of the American Intelligence Journal
  • Dr. Joseph DiRenzo, Coast Guard Atlantic Area (LANT-73)
  • LCDR Logan Medica and LT Lance Tinstman, Coast Guard Representatives to the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
  • Mr. Stephen Shaw and Dr. Gerry Carroon, members of the Nathan Hale Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution and the Society of the Cincinnati