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General Information
HR Advisor
HR Advisor: Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2011

Foreign Area Allowances


Authorization and payment of overseas allowances and differential is governed by the provisions of the Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR)(Government Civilians/Foreign Areas) and Department of Defense Instruction 1400.25, Volume 1250. Overseas Allowances and differentials (except post allowance) are not automatic salary supplements, nor are they entitlements. They are specifically intended to be recruitment incentives for U.S. citizen employees living in the United States to accept Federal employment in a foreign area. If a person is already living in a foreign area, the inducement is normally unnecessary. Under limited circumstances, an employee hired outside of the United States may become eligible for allowances. Selectees should be advised of their eligibility for allowances at the time an offer is made. Following is a brief description of some the allowances you may receive during your tour of duty in a foreign area. The Standard Form (SF) – 1190, Application for Foreign Allowances, Grant, and Report, and perspective worksheets are used to apply for foreign area allowances.