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My father was part of what we now call “The Greatest Generation.”  He flew missions over Europe in World War II as a bombardier navigator.   I believe the men and women who defend our country and democracy around the world today have established themselves as the next “Greatest Generation.”


Every man and woman who dons the uniform and takes the oath to serve and give their life to defend our country should be entitled to the best medical benefits and education opportunities.  It is the very least we can do for their service and sacrifice.


Last Congress I am proud that I voted to fully fund our military and our veterans for FY’09.  The $72.9 billion for veterans represents the largest funding level in history.  Some of the highlights include:



  • New VA Clinics in Tomball and Katy:  The outpatient clinics will make healthcare more convenient and eliminate long commutes to Houston for veterans seeking routine medical treatment.  The clinics are expected to open in 2010.

·        Extended Care Facilities: $175 million in grants for States to construct and renovate VA extended care facilities. 

·        Veterans Medical Research: $510 million for medical and prosthetic research, including trauma and mental health research. This level is $30 million above the fiscal year 2008 level.

·        Veterans Medical Services: Includes funding increases for specialty mental health care, increased travel reimbursement rate to 41.5 cents per mile and greater funding for the homeless veterans grants program.


Disability Benefits

  • Co-Sponsored HR 1436- Concurrent Receipt:  Retired Pay Restoration Act - Makes eligible for the full concurrent receipt of both veterans' disability compensation and either military retired pay or combat-related special pay those individuals who were retired or separated from military service due to a service-connected disability.
  • Co-Sponsored HR 5868- Wounded Warrior Retention Act:  Authorizes a member of the Armed Forces who would normally be retired, placed on the temporary disability retired list, or separated as the result of a combat-related disability to elect to instead be retained in an active status, as long as the member meets certain requirements.



  • Cosponsored and Voted for New GI BILL:  Will provide veterans who served on active duty since 2001 with enhanced educational benefits and will not only fully fund the cost of an education, it will also allow service members who stay in the military the opportunity to transfer their education benefits to their spouses and their children.  Passed in the House on June 19, 2008.



  • $487 billion in funding to provide for our troops and critical defense and national security programs
  • $733 million for troop facility and barracks repairs
  • $3.6 billion for Future Combat Systems (FCS)
  • $750 million for National Guard and Reserve equipment
  • $410 million for advocacy programs to families managing the difficult challenges of military service, such as the loss of the daily presence of a parent.