DLAR 4510.8


15 Dec 84

Departments of the Army, the *Army Regulation 55-4/OPNAV Instruction Navy, and the Air Force; and the Defense 1120/7B/Air Force Regulation 75-23/ Logistics Agency Marine Corps Order 4810.1B/Defense Washington, DC Logistics Agency Regulation 4510.8 15 December 1984

Transportation and Travel

CONUS Military Installation Materiel Outloading and Receiving Capability Report (RCS MTMC-7 (R-2))

Summary. This regulation on the continental United States (CONUS) Military Installation Materiel Outloading and Receiving Capability Report has been revised. It describes the report, details the responsibilities for those involved with the report, and provides guidance and a form for the installations submitting the report. This revision updates all of the instructions for preparing the report.

Applicability. This regulation applies to the Active Components of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and to the Defense Logistics Agency. It also applies to the National Guard Bureau. It does not apply to the Reserve Components of each Service.

Impact on New Manning System. This regulation does not contain information that affects the New Manning System.

Supplementation. Local supplements to this publication are permitted. If supplements are issued, a copy will be furnished to--

a. Commander, Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), ATTN: MT-PLM, 5611 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-5050.

b. The Service or agency headquarters.

Interim changes. Interim changes to this regulation are not official unless they are authenticated by The Adjutant General, Headquarters, Department of the Army. Users will destroy interim changes on their expiration dates unless sooner superseded or rescinded.

Suggested improvements. The proponent agency of this publication is the Military Traffic Management Command. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements directly to the Commander, MIMC, ATTN: MT-PLM, 5611 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-5050. Army users will use DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms).

1. Purpose This regulation assigns responsibilities and prescribes procedures for submitting data on the capabilities of designated CONUS military installations to outload and receive materiel. This includes movement by rail, motor, and container under peacetime, mobilization, and deployment conditions. These data will be used by the MIMC to plan and analyze the outloading and receiving capability of installations during peacetime and during mobilization and deployment.

2. Explanation of abbreviations and terms Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary.

3. Responsibilities

a. Heads of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps; Director, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA); and Chief, National Guard Bureau (CNGB). These individuals will--

(1) Select the CONUS military installations for which materiel outloading and receiving capability data will be developed and reported to MIMC.

(2) Select military installations for peacetime and mobilization movement, resupply, and ammunition requirements.

(3) Advise MIMC(MT-PLM) of any change in the installations required to submit the report.

(4) Report all active and inactive installations that will have a mobilization mission during the first 180 days of mobilization.

(5) Develop, review, and submit to MIMC the outloading and receiving capability reports for select installations according to this regulation.

(6) Update installation materiel outloading and receiving capability as required by paragraph 4.

b. Commander, MIMC. The Commander, MIMC will use the reported data to--

(1) Plan mobility movements for the Services and DLA such as--

(a) Operation plan movement feasibility analyses.

(b) Mobilization movements.

(c) Program deployment analyses.

(2) Report installation shortfalls to the Services, DLA, and the National Guard Bureau (NGB).

(3) Identify early surge and mobilization capabilities critical to materiel outloading and receiving.

4. Submission instructions Instructions for submitting DD Form 1726 (CONUS Military Installation Materiel Outloading and Receiving Capability Report) (RCS MTMC-7 (R-2)) are as follows:

a. Annual report. The DD Form 1726 will--

(1) Be prepared each year.

(2) Cover the period ending 31 December.

(3) Be forwarded to the Commander, MTMC, ATTN: MT-PLM, 5611 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-5050. (202-756-1562, AUTOVON 289-1562), by 10 February of the following year. If 10 February falls on a nonduty day, the report is due the very next duty day. A copy will be sent to the appropriate Service or agency.

b. Addition and change reports. The DD Form 1726 will be submitted for addition and change reports--

(1) Within 30 days of activation of an installation.

(2) For an installation whose existing capability exceedsa 10-percent variance in any reporting block from the previous report.

5. Preparation instructions Instructions for preparing DD Form 1726 are in table 1. See figure 1 for an example of a completed DD Form 1726. DD Form 1726 will be locally reporduced on 8«- by 11-inch paper. A copy for reproduction purposes is located at the back of this regulation.

Table 1 Preparation instructions for DD Form 1726


a. Annual report. Enter the

year of the report, month, and

day; for example, 83-12-31.

b. Interim report. Enter either

the date the installation was activated

or the date the installation's

capability exceeded a 10-percent

plus or minus from its

previous reports; for example,


________________________________________________________________________ From

Enter all of the following:

a. Name of the military installation

reporting the data.

b. Address of the installation.

c. City, State, and Zip code.

d. Four-digit standard specified

geographic location (from

Joint Operation Planning System

Report F12E).

e. Name of point of contact.

f. Telephone number of point

of contact to include area code

and AUTOVON Number.



maximum daily capacity for single-rail

operations in number of


(2) Separate motor. Insert

the maximum daily capacity for

single-motor operations expressed

in truck units.

(3) Concurrent rail. Insert

the maximum daily capacity for

combined rail operations expressed

as number of railcars.

(Do not report concurrent rail

capability if the installation has

no motor capability.)

(4) Concurrent motor. Insert

the maximum daily capacity for

combined motor operations expressed

in truck units. (Do not report

concurrent motor capability

if the installation has no rail capability.)

b. Day 1 through 6 is the maximum

surge capability. Enter the


(1) Separate rail. Insert the

maximum daily surge capacity

for single-rail operations expressed

in number of railcars.

(2) Separate motor. Insert

the maximum daily surge capacity

for single-motor operations

expressed in number of truck


(3) Concurrent rail. Insert

the maximum daily surge capacity

for combined rail operations

expressed in number of railcars.

(Do not report concurrent rail

capability if the installation has

no motor capability.)

(4) Concurrent motor. Insert

the maximum daily surge capacity

for combined motor operations

expressed in number of

truck units.





a. Separate rail. Insert the

maximum daily capacity for single-rail

operations in number of


b. Separate motor. Insert the

maximum daily capacity for single-motor

operations expressed

in number of truck units.

c. Concurrent rail. Insert the

maximum daily capacity for combined

rail operations expressed

in number of railcars. (Do not report

concurrent rail capability if

the installation has no motor capability.)

d. Concurrent motor. Insert

the maximum daily capacity for

combined motor operations expressed

in number of truck units.

(Do not report concurrent motor

capability if the installation does

not have rail capability.)




b. The maximum number of

containers that can be stuffed or

unloaded under mobilization

operations using full resources.




________________________________________________________________________ Notes:

1. Capability will be developed in the number of each transportation equipment type (rail, motor, and container) that can be processed only for clarification. The data contained in MIMC Transportation Engineering Agency Surveys should be considered when determining outloading and receiving capability.

3. The following planning factors should be used as a guide when estimating the number of railcars, motor trucks, and containers that can be outloaded and received: 60-foot railcars (ammunition).............................60 short tons 60-foot railcars (general cargo)..........................30 short tons Motor trucks..............................................20 short tons 20-foot containers (ammunition)...........................13 short tons 35- to 40-foot containers.................................20 short tons



15 December 1984 AR 55-4/OPNAVINST 11200.7B/AFR 75-23/MCO 4810.1B/DLAR 4510.8


Section , Abbreviations CNGB....Chief, National Guard Bureau CONUS...continental United States DLA.....Defense Logistics Agency MTCM....Military Traffic Management Command NGB.....National Guard Bureau

Section II Terms Daily peacetime capability The maximum daily on-station and off-station loading and receiving capability attainable by using available military and commercial transportation, material handling equipment, and military and civilian workforce during an 8-hour workday (day 0).

Separate rail and separate motor capability The maximum daily installation outloading and receiving capability per day that can be achieved by using either rail or motor. Under this condition, all available resources are assumed to be dedicated to one single mode of operation.

Concurrent rail and motor capability The maximum daily installation outloading and receiving capability that can be achieved by using a combination of rail and motor. Concurrent rail and motor capability may equal but not exceed separate rail and separate motor.

Daily mobilization capability The maximum daily outloading and receiving capability that can be attained under full mobilization by applying on a 24-hour, daily basis all on-station daily current capability plus all feasible off-station capability.

Off-post capability Other Government and commercial facilities that will be available for outloading and receiving and are included in reported capabilities.

Surge capability The maximum daily outloading and receiving capability that can be attained during each peacetime increment (from day 1 through day 6) to meet a designated requirement. Upon completion of surge requirements, it is expected that capability will return to daily peacetime capability or shift to daily mobilization capability.

Preparing agencies Installations and activities selected by the headquarters of the Services, Defense Logistics Agency, and National Guard Bureau.

By Order of the Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps:

JOHN A. WICKHAM, JR. General, United States Army Chief of Staff


DONALD J. DELANDRO Brigadier General, United States Army The Adjutant General

S. E. BUMP Commodore, United States Navy Assistant Vice Chief of Naval Operations Director of Naval Administration

CHARLES A. GABRIEL General, United States Air Force Chief of Staff


JAMES H. DELANEY Colonel, United States Air Force Director of Administration

H. A. HATCH Lieutenant General, United States Marine Corps Deputy Chief of Staff for Installations and Logistics

Distribution: Army Active Army, ARNG, USAR: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-9A requirements for AR, Transportation and Travel--D.

Air Force: F



Stocked: CO, NAVPUBFORMCEN 5801 Tabor Ave., Phila., PA 19120

Marine Corps: MARCORPS CODE: 7000163 (10)

2020001, 002/3700001

002, 004/6025002, 003 (5)

8145004,005 (2)

Copy to: 8145001

Block                        Instructions 
Period ending               Enter one of the following: 
Column A                      a.  Day 0 is the maximum 8-hour 
                             capability.  Enter the following: 
   Peacetime daily.               (1) Separate rail.  Insert the 
Column B                    Day 0 through 91 plus days is the 
   Mobilization data         maximum capability that can be 
                             attained using all available resources. 
                             Enter the capability 
                             data for each day or day periods 
                             (for example, 11 to 20) until 
                             capability is 
                             reached.  If full mobilization will 
                             not be realized until after day 91, 
                             enter the full-mobilization capability 
                             and the day full mobilization 
                             will be reached.  For example, 
                             if full mobilization is reached 
                             on day 105, enter day 91 to 105 
                             and the full capability figures expected 
                             to be attained on day 105. Column C                    Enter the day full mobilization is 
   Day full mobilization     reached in whole numbers; for 
   capacity attained         example, round 11« days up to 
                             12 days. 
Column D                    Enter the following: 
   Container stuffing          a.  The maximum number of 
   operations data           containers that can be stuffed or 
                             unloaded under peacetime or 
                             surge operations. 
Remarks                     List a brief summary of any other 
                             data that may affect the capability 
                             figure.  An example would be 
                             explanation of any off-station 
                             Government or Commercial facility.    SNDL A4A    (CHNAVMAT) 
         FKM8   (SUPPLY ANNEX) 
                VA., CHARLESTON, 
                SC., OAKLAND, CA., SAN DIEGO, 
                CA. only) 