DLAD 1416.8




15 Jan 99


[This publication has been revised significantly

and must be reviewed in its entirety.]




1. DLAD 1416.8 Determining Rates of Pay, 16 Aug 95, superseded.


2. DLAR 1416.7, Payments to Civilian Employees During Evacuation (U.S. Areas), 29 Mar 78, cancelled.


3. DoD 1400.25-M, Subchapter 531, Pay Under the General Schedule, July 25, 1997.


4. DoD 1400.25-M, Subchapter 1231, Employment of Foreign Nationals, January 12, 1998.


5. DoD 1400.2-M, Subchapter 1251, Compensation of Foreign Nationals, January 12, 1998.


6. DoD Joint Travel Regulations, Volume 2, Appendix I.


B. PURPOSE.  This directive:


1. Supersedes reference A1 and cancels reference A2.


2. States Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) pay policy regarding civilian employees (excluding Nonappropriated Fund).


3. Supplements Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Parts 530, 531, 532, 536, 550, 551, and 575 of the CFR are germane.


4. Delegates authority to manage the compensation program for foreign nationals in Ottawa, Canada.


C. APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE.  This directive applies to Headquarters, Defense Logistics Agency (HQ DLA) and all DLA field activities.


D. DEFINITIONS.  (Reserved for future use.)




1. Decisions on use of the highest previous rate (HPR) will be made by the employing activity (reference A.3., paragraph B.2.a). A decision to use the highest previous rate should consider such factors as the occupation in which the HPR was earned and the applicability of that experience to the position being filled (including its recency); the labor market (e.g., other candidates who are available for a lower rate of pay); the adjusted rate that will result from the addition of a locality adjustment, and the relationship of that adjusted rate to the candidate's current rate of pay.


2. The authority to decide on use of a special salary rate as the highest previous rate (5 CFR 531.203(d)) will be exercised by the Commander, Defense Contract Management Command, the Commander, Defense Logistics Support Command, the Director, Corporate Administration, the DLA Comptroller, the DLA General Counsel, and the DLA Chief Information Officer in cases that involve placements into positions under their respective control at HQ DLA or at field activities that do not report to a PLFA. This authority may be redelegated.


3. PLFA civilian personnel officers (CPOs) will approve or disapprove proposals to award grade or pay retention that result from management-initiated personnel actions not covered by DoD guidance or Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations. Proposed actions must further the Agency's mission and be consistent with the intent of law, regulation, and pertinent DoD guidance. All cases require advance approval by the CPO.


4. PLFA CPOs will determine whether the criteria for offering a recruitment or relocation bonus, or for authorizing a retention allowance have been met. This determination will be reviewed and approved by the Head of the PLFA before a bonus or allowance is offered. For positions at HQ DLA, at field activities that do not report to a PLFA, and for all Senior Executive Service positions, the Deputy Director (DLA-DD) will serve as the approving official.


5. PLFA CPOs must ensure that situations for which hazard pay would be authorized are reviewed and that the results of the review are documented. PLFA CPOs must also ensure that situations where hazard pay has been approved are reappraised annually to confirm that the conditions on which approval was based still exist, that ways to minimize the hazard are considered, and that the resulting analysis is documented.


6. Heads of PLFAs are delegated the authority to approve exceptions to the biweekly maximum earnings limitation in connection with natural disasters. For positions at HQ DLA, at field activities that do not report to a PLFA, and for all Senior Executive Service positions, the Deputy Director (DLA-DD) will serve as the approving official.


7. PLFA CPOs must ensure that situations for which environmental differential pay would be authorized are reviewed and that the results of the review are documented. PLFA CPOs must also ensure that situations where environmental differential pay has been approved still exist, that ways to minimize the working condition or hazard are considered, and that the resulting analysis is documented.


8. Heads of PLFAs, the Commander, Defense Contract Management Command, the Commander, Defense Logistics Support Command, the Director, Corporate Administration, the DLA Comptroller, the DLA General Counsel, and the DLA Chief Information Officer are delegated authority to make acceptable level of competence determinations in regard to within grade increases. They may redelegate this authority to subordinate managers and supervisors.


a. The minimum period for employees to demonstrate an acceptable level of competence is 90 days.


b. When negative determinations are reconsidered, they will be reconsidered by an official at a level above the official who made the first determination. Final authority to reconsider negative determinations for PLFAs will be vested no higher than the Head of the PLFA.


c. Employees must not be retained indefinitely in positions in which their performance falls short of an acceptable level of competence.


9. The Commander, Defense Contract Management District International, is delegated authority to establish salaries, wages, fringe benefits, and related compensation items for Foreign National employees in Ottawa, Canada consonant with governing DoD policy and directives in accordance with references A4 and A5.


10. Heads of PLFAs are delegated authority to authorize advance payments, evacuation payments, and special allowances as provided by 5 CFR 550.401(c) and reference A6. This authority will be exercised by the Deputy Director, DLA, for positions at HQ DLA and for field activities that do not report to a PLFA.




1. The Executive Director, Human Resources will issue Agency-wide pay setting policy and furnish advice on pay setting matters.


2. Heads of DLA PLFAs will ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies in the exercise of pay-setting authorities delegated to PLFAs.


3. CPOs will advise managers, employees, and employee organizations on laws and regulations governing civilian pay, and will exercise delegated authorities consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.


4. The Director, DLA Human Resource Operations Center will process discretionary pay-setting actions based on determinations provided by PLFA CPOs, and will set pay consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.


G. EFFECTIVE DATE.  This publication is effective immediately.


H. INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS.  (Reserved for future use.)








Colonel, USA

Headquarters Complex Commandant