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Color Guard Request Form

Please take a moment to fill out the following form. The in-depth information you provide will enable us to identify a fitting speaker, prepare the speaker for the event and ultimately ensure we meet the expectations of you and your organization.

Please allow at least one month to process your request, but no more than three. (* indicates a required field)

Contact Information

Primary Contact Name
Primary Contact Phone Number
Primary Contact Phone E-mail
Alternate Contact Name
Alternate Contact Phone Number
Alternate Contact Phone E-mail

Event Information

Event Name
Regional Location
When will this event begin?
req format YYYY-MM-DD
When will this event end?
req format YYYY-MM-DD
Physical Address of the event?
Please provide the exact location of the event
(512 Char Limit)
Phone number of the event location
Is this request on behalf of a host organization?
Organization's name
If you are requesting a speaker on behalf of a host organization please provide the name of the organization
Event Description
Please provide a description of the event
(512 Char Limit)
Detailed description of request
A detailed description of request (i.e. presentation of the colors, retiring the colors, 4 man detail with service flag/rifles?)

Speaker & Attendance Information

Expected Audience Size
Audience Make-up
(512 Char limit)
Additional Information
Please provide any additional information you think we should know. (512 Char limit)

Security Question

3 + 3
Please enter the answer to the preceding math equation.
(If the equation were "1 + 1 = ?" you would enter "2".)

Terms & Conditions: By submitting this form on behalf of yourself or your sponsoring organization you certify that the information provided above is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge. You understand that representatives from USCENTCOM will contact you to discuss arrangements and costs involved prior to final commitments, or to inform you of an inability to support this event. You also understand that operational commitments must take priority and can preclude a scheduled appearance at an approved public activity.

Privacy Act Statement:
Authority: 5 USC 301; 5 USC 552 Principal
Purpose: To obtain necessary information so that a response can be provided to your Speaker request.
The confidentiality of communications sent via the Internet can not be guaranteed and the electronic submission of your Speaker request is purely voluntary.

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