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         William Parker, Director

William Parker

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Recently, Defense Acquisition University transferred curriculum management of the Earned Value Management (EVM) courses from the Business center to the Acquisition center.  This move recognizes the importance of EVM as a critical, multi-disciplinary tool for efficiently executing programs.  The change supports facilitating EVM training across the entire university curricula.  While EVM training will expand in other career fields, the EVM courses will remain core training for the financial management and cost estimating career fields.


Historically, earned value analysts assigned to the business career fields have been the primary practitioners of EVM in program offices.  The effective use of EVM requires the involvement of the entire program office team.  The main DAU EVM courses are:


BCF 102, Fundamentals of Earned Value Management;

BCF 203, Intermediate Earned Value Management;

BCF 262, EVMS Validation and Surveillance; and

BCF 263, Principles of Schedule Management.


Beginning in the DAU 2013 course catalog, the short title of these courses will change as follows:


BCF 102 to EVM 101,

BCF 203 to EVM 201,

BCF 262 to EVM 262, and

BCF 263 to EVM 263.


This change coincides with a significant update to course content in EVM 101 and EVM 201. The upgrade of the online EVM 101 content is ongoing, and the EVM 201 content update is in the early planning phase.  DAWIA career field core training requirements will remain unchanged – those career fields that currently require core EVM BCF courses will require the renamed EVM course.


For program managers in need of continuous learning points, I highly recommend BCF 263 (EVM 263), Principles of Schedule Management.


Published: Mar-19-12 | 3 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Program Management Certification Course Change

We have a training change for Program Management Level II certification.  CON 115, Contracting Fundamentals, will replace CON 110, Mission Support Planning, as a core training requirement for PM Level II DAWIA certification.  On 17 November 2011, Mr. David Ahern, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Strategic and Tactical Systems, signed the Training Course Change for Level II DAWIA Program Management Certification memorandum directing the change.   After December 2011, Defense Acquisition University (DAU) will no longer offer CON 110.  As of this morning, approximately 25 seats remain open in the final offering of CON 110, which will have rolling enrollment through December.  With rolling admissions, once the section fills, new students can be added as enrolled students complete the course.  So if you don’t get in right away, continue to check through December.  To help the transition, the first section of CON 115 will be available to the program management career field starting today.  Program managers are not required to take the CON 090 prerequisite for CON 115.  Either CON 110 or CON 115 will fulfill the PM Level II certification contracting course requirement.  CON 115 is a significant upgrade covering not just the solicitation planning from CON 110, but also source selection execution and contractor performance assessment.  I encourage program managers already certified at level II and III to take CON 115 as continuous learning.  Click on these links for more information on required for PM certification training for level I, II, and III.

Published: Nov-29-11 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post


Program Management Core Plus Training

In my last blog, I discussed the program management training Memorandum for the Service Acquisition Executives. The second part of the memorandum added ACQ 370 (Acquisition Law) and ACQ 265 (Services Acquisition) to Level III Core Plus for program managers. Essentially, Core Plus is recommended training beyond the required DAWIA core certification training. In order to maintain our DAWIA career field certification, we are required to complete 80 hours of continuous learning every two years. Core Plus is designed to guide program managers to competency development beyond the minimum standards required for certification level I, II, and III, based on specific types of assignments. Look for information on the development of industry knowledge training for insertion in the program management curriculum in upcoming blogs…  

Published: Sep-09-11 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post



I’ve been the Center Director for the Acquisition and Program Management curriculum for almost a year.  I’m starting this Blog as a way to focus on items of interest to our program management community, particularly in training.

On 29 June 2011, Mr. Ahern, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategic and Tactical Systems (DASD(S&TS) signed a Memorandum for the Service Acquisition Executives revising the requirements for Level III Program Management certification.   The memo adds the following distance learning (on-line) courses to the DAWIA PM Level III certification beginning in Fiscal Year 2012:

1.       BCF 102 – Earned Value Management Fundamentals

2.       BCF 103 – Business Financial Management Fundamentals

3.       LOG 103 – Reliability, Availability and Maintainability

Members of the PM career field already Level III certified are encouraged to complete these courses.

I’ve received several phone calls and e-mails asking how we will handle implementation of this requirement for FY-12.  During the latest Program Management Functional Integrated Process Team (PM FIPT) meeting, led by Mr. Ahern, members agreed to the following implementation guidance.

The courses will be prerequisites for the PMT 352B Program Management Office Course, Part B.  Currently, PMT 352B classes are booked through January 2012.  If you are currently registered for PMT 352B, you will be permitted to take the course without completing the prerequisite courses.  For those who have not yet registered for PMT 352B, you will need to complete the three courses prior to taking PMT 352B.  We understand that students’ time to complete the prerequisite courses has been reduced by the DAU ATLAS system being blocked.  We anticipate the ATLAS system coming back on line by mid September.  You can get Current ATLAS System Status from the DAU website.

While the prerequisites have been waived for those already enrolled in PMT 352B, the new courses must be completed for Level III Program Management certification.

In my Blog next week, I will address Program Management Core Plus training…

Published: Aug-12-11 | 0 Comments | 0 Links to this post