Contact Information

Educator Information: 678-364-6852

Staffing & Recruitment Branch:  678-364-8027

District Customer Service Branch Teams 

North Carolina:
NY/VA//Puerto Rico:

Related Links

Standardized Position Descriptions

DDESS Salary Schedules

Regulations, Instructions, & Policy Memorandums

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

The Human Resources Specialists performing Recruitment and Placement duties in the Area Service Center (ASC) support our customers by:

  • providing advice and assistance,
  • locating and employing high quality educators and support staff necessary for maintaining a fully functional DDESS environment.

HR Specialists

  • Interpret and apply laws, regulations, policies and procedures as directed by the United States Office of Personnel Management, the Department of Defense (DoD), the DoD Education Activity, and the Director of DDESS.

  • Process requests for personnel action to hire people into Federal positions, including:

    • Analyze position duties, define essential job criteria and develop evaluation plans.
    • Advertise vacant positions.
    • Evaluate candidates in accordance with laws and regulations governing Federal employment, veteran's/Military Spouse Preference, consideration of Americans with disabilities, and other applicants.
    • Refer qualified candidates
    • Verify appointment eligibility of people selected for employment by DDESS managers.

  • Apply laws, rules and regulations to set salary and pay rates for employees entering Federal service or changing positions once inside the DDESS activity. HR specialists apply pay rules related to separation and/or change to lower grade after a reduction in force.

  • Advise and assist DDESS Director and administrators in managing mandated downsizing measures such as offer of voluntary separation incentives, reorganization of available resources to accomplish mission more effectively, effecting reduction in force actions. HR specialists research and apply reduction in force laws and regulations in a manner so as to cause minimum disruption to the education of the children of DoD civilian employees and military members.

  • Provide counseling and support services to DDESS employees regarding :

    • career advancement and promotion
    • salary and pay
    • interpretation and application of rules and regulations governing placement into other positions
    • other related personnel areas.