Afghanistan: A new post in the valley of Tagab

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From the 1st to the 7th of March, 2010, French soldiers from the Task Force Lafayette, partnered with the Afghan National Army, led operation ‘'Synapse'' in Kapisa Province (Regional Command East). The goal of this operation was to secure a lasting presence in the heart of the valley of Tagab. The French engineers brought their expertise to build operational infrastructure to establish a new combat outpost (COP) in the south of the valley.

A French infantry company was airlifted during the night to secure the area and clear it of any improvised explosive devises in preparation for establishing the COP.

In a second step the French engineers, equipped with heavy equipment and under the protection of AMX-10 RC armoured vehicles' 20 mm guns, excavated the foundations for the COP. Once the foundation was set, construction began on the outpost's facilities and defensive structures.

Responding to needs expressed by the local Afghan residents, the French builders also inaugurated a well in the village of Kanshamkay and surveyed the area for a suitable location for a bridge over the Ouaddai River.

On March 7 a shura, held between the commanders of 201st ANA Corps, TF La Fayette, provincial Deputy Governor Malek and the elders of the region, celebrated the completion of the works.

The construction of this outpost follows similar settlements in the neighbouring valleys. The objective of these infrastructure projects led by the French military is to enable the Afghan security forces to have hardened operational bases from which they can control primary routes in and out the valley, securing the whole of the region Bedraou, and insuring the freedom of movement of the locals.

The establishment of this new COP and the interaction with the locals in the Tagab Valley is a prime example of ISAF's new strategy of partnership and cooperation with the local officials.

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