Posts tagged: Rural Housing

Improving the Integrity of Rural Housing Investments

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has had a profound impact on the American people. Investments were made to create and save jobs, spurring economic activity and long-term growth. As a result, communities and families had access to resources to help lay a stronger foundation for the future of our country. In fact, through USDA’s Single Family Housing Guaranteed Program, over 80,000 American families were able to purchase or maintain a home. Read more »

Mississippi Rural Development Marks a Record Setting Year of Service to Rural Residents

Mississippi Rural Development State Director Trina N. George (center) stands with Congressional staff members who participated in a recent briefing on Rural Development 2010 programs.

Mississippi Rural Development State Director Trina N. George (center) stands with Congressional staff members who participated in a recent briefing on Rural Development 2010 programs.

As the end of a very successful Federal fiscal year approaches, Mississippi Rural Development State Director Trina N. George and her senior staff held a briefing for staff members for offices of Mississippi’s Congressional delegation in the offices of USDA Rural Development in Jackson.  Read more »

USDA Rural Development Puerto Rico Celebrates Homeownership Month Activity at the Southeastern Affordable Housing Management Association (SAHMA) Convention

By Miguel A. Ramírez, Public Affairs CoordinatorLast week the Southeastern Affordable Housing Management Association (SAHMA) held its annual convention in Puerto Rico.  Three hundred eighty housing managers participated in the convention. Arlene Zambrana, USDA Rural Housing Program Director and her staff were also present.Rural Development Officials talked about the Homeownership Month Celebration and the success stories we had with funds provided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The Officials explained the current funding availabilities the Agency has under consideration during June 2010, and the Multifamily Housing Program and Civil Rights Program that protect the residents of the housing projects.The Housing Administrator had a face to face meeting with Federal, State and Municipal Agency’s representatives where they discussed the things we are doing well and the things that needed improvement.USDA Rural Development Puerto Rico is working really hard promoting our Rural Housing Programs this month, with meetings around the island, newspapers articles and TV appearances of José Otero-García, State Director,  promoting our Agency’s Rural Housing Program and success stories.

USDA Rural Development Hosts Housing Forum in Puerto Rico

José Otero-García, USDA Rural Development State Director, and Tammy Treviño, USDA Rural Development Rural Housing Administrator sponsored a Self-Help Housing Forum at the Sacred Heart University in San Juan and was web connected with the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus and with the Catholic University, Ponce Campus on Friday March 5, 2010.

Over 151 persons joined the forum, one-hundred- seven at the University in San Juan and the rest through the web. The purpose of the forum was to create new ideas and promote the Self-Help Program in Puerto Rico. The activity was covered the Caribbean Business, Primera Hora and El Nuevo Dia Newspapers. The diversity of issues discussed was amazing and the group was composed of the best Professionals in their field, Faculty from the three Universities, Governors’ Aides, HUD’s Officials, Bank representatives, Mayors’ representatives and Communities leaders.

The information provided from the discussion will be sent to Agriculture Secretary Vilsack and President Obama for consideration.

In attendance at the Puerto Rico Self-Help Housing Forum: Seated from left, Laura Cotte, Director of the Office of External Resources of the Sacred Heart University; Arlene Zambrana, Rural Housing Program Director (Puerto Rico); Tammye Treviño, Administrator for Housing & Community Facilities Programs, USDA RD; and José Otero, RD State Director for Puerto Rico.
In attendance at the Puerto Rico Self-Help Housing Forum: Seated from left, Laura Cotte, Director of the Office of External Resources of the Sacred Heart University; Arlene Zambrana, Rural Housing Program Director (Puerto Rico); Tammye Treviño, Administrator for Housing & Community Facilities Programs, USDA RD; and José Otero, RD State Director for Puerto Rico.

Submitted by Miguel A. Ramírez, Rural Development Public Affairs Coordinator for Puerto Rico.