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Press Releases

December 8th, 2011

Contact:  Valentina Weis
(202) 225-4511 or


Out of Control Over-Regulation by the EPA: Dust

Washington D.C.- Congressman Francisco “Quico” Canseco (TX-23), a cosponsor of the Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act (H.R. 1633) and a strong supporter of Texas’ farmers, ranchers, and rural communities, issued the following statement in response to House passage of the Farm Dust Regulation Act by a vote of 268-150:

“I think there is no better example to illustrate just how out of control the Obama Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency has been that the fact it was considering a regulation that would somehow put Washington in the business of regulating farm dust and other naturally-occurring dust. Maybe dust is not a fact of life for bureaucrats at the EPA in Washington, but out here in rural Texas it is. Dust is kicked up by cattle wandering across a pasture, a farmer plowing his field, by someone driving down a dirt road, or simply when the wind blows across dry land. If the EPA has found a way to control the wind and rain, I’m sure farmers and ranchers across Texas might want to know about it given the severe drought we’re in,” said Congressman Canseco.

“While an attempt to regulate farm dust by the EPA may seem like a laughing matter, its reality would not be. If the EPA was allowed to regulate farm dust, it would mean that farmers, ranchers, and those in rural areas who are already struggling to make ends meet in this economy and severe drought would have the added burden of complying with such regulation. Such a burden would be costly, both in terms of money and jobs. When the economy is limping along and the unemployment rate has been at or above 8% for 34 straight months, we simply cannot afford to impose a self-inflicted wound to our economy, especially in rural communities. The Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act would give certainty to farmers, ranchers, and rural communities that they won’t have to bear the costs of such regulation,” concluded Congressman Canseco.


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