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SPC Alysha Ford

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Army Strong Stories



  • Christmas Exodus??

    09.24.2012 - Hey i been having alot of questions and seems this is the best place to get answers! thanks guys..   Well my quest...

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  • Christmas exodus transportation

    10.17.2012 - Does the base provide shuttle to the airport/train stations on christmas exodus or are we responsible for that as well?

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  • A New Special Forces Recruit(18x)

    10.17.2012 - So I am a newley enlisted 18x(first time enlisting in the army). I was hoping that someone would be able to give me some...

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  • Will a military leadership camp help my chances of being selected for a rotc scholarship?

    10.17.2012 - I recently saw a military base near my home does a leadership academy, but it is fairly expensive. I was wondering if go...

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  • losing weight b4 BT..

    10.17.2012 - i need to lose 15 pounds before basic training!! doesnt the army have a special program that helps you lose weight and a...

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  • Me & My BF are both joining the army...

    10.17.2012 - Me and my boyfriend are both in the process of enlisting in the army... were both really worried about us not being able...

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  • Warrant Officer Flight Training - ask your questions here.

    06.05.2008 - Thought I would post this and see who bites. Serious WOFT-ers only please. Civilian or military....all are welcome. ...

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  • Color deficinet but can I be in 11B?

    05.14.2011 - I came back from my eye doctor and it turns out that im red/green color deficient. He said it was only mild but the test...

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  • Color blindness concern

    04.12.2011 - I am partially colorblind. What i mean by this is that my vision is not monochromic but i have issues percieving red and...

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  • How Good does your eyesight have to be to be an infantryman?

    03.25.2011 - I'm going to highschool next year and i want to start preparing for being an infantryman. I am worried about my eyesight...

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A lot of misconceptions I had about the Army are what you see in Hollywood.

Talk to me or any other recruiter and we're here to help you accomplish your goals.

I became a 31 Uniform because I thought it could give me the best skills.

The training that they give us here becomes instinctive, and everything just becomes an easy flow.

Leaders are made here. We teach them how to lead Soldiers.

When you've been through the training that we go through, there's nothing that you can't do.

You're not only doing this for a grade, but you're also doing in front of your peers.

For me, the Army's a part of me, but it doesn't overtake me. I'm still a woman; I'm still an individual.

It varies from person to person on what they do with their free time. I like to travel, experience the culture.

I want to get my bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.

After graduation and after Airbourne School, I start Ranger Indoctrination Program.

Because I know Korean, doors open. You start to look at jobs you didn't even know you could have.

In the Army, that motivation takes you a long way. It takes you to the next school. That motivation takes you to the next rank. It takes you where you want to go.