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Press Releases

August 10, 2012

Contact:  Kyler Arnold
(202) 225-4511 or

Congressman Canseco visits Fort Stockton, Talks Job Creation with Local Businesses 

Fort Stockton, TX - Congressman Francisco “Quico” Canseco (TX-23), a former small business owner and proud representative of the 23rd District of Texas, visited with local business owners and residents of Fort Stockton on Wednesday: 

Congressman Canseco’s visit to Fort Stockton included several meetings with small businesses. The overwhelming message Congressman Canseco heard from small business owners in Fort Stockton was that Obamacare and burdensome Washington regulations and taxes have made it virtually impossible for small businesses to expand and hire new employees. “As a former small business owner, I understand the challenges that face small businesses, and I firmly believe that over-regulation coming out of Washington should not be the reason that entrepreneurs fail to establish small businesses or expand existing ones. The burdens of over-regulation threaten the American Dream, and I am fighting to protect small businesses and those wanting to start their own business from unnecessary regulation. That’s why I recently voted for the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act, a package of bills that will put the brakes on new major regulations until our economy is back on track and we can reform the broken regulatory system.” 

Congressman Canseco’s visits with small businesses included Wallace Lumber, Sadler & Associates Realty, First National Bank of Fort Stockton and Mandujano Brothers Produce, as well as local officials City Mayor Bill Lannom, City Manager Raul Rodriguez, Police Chief Art Fuentes and Councilman Darren Hodges. “Many of the local businesses and city officials I visited with told me about how local oil and gas production in the Permian Basin has resulted in an economic boom and brought new businesses and jobs to Fort Stockton. Unfortunately, the jobs and economic activity arising from greater oil and gas production are under threat from environmental extremists who are doing everything they can to shut down this production. That's why I am fighting their agenda and pushing for policies that will allow for greater energy exploration and production utilizing all of our American energy sources, including oil and gas.”

Discussion with Mandujano Brothers Produce centered on the Farm Bill. “ I am a proud supporter of the five year farm bill that the House Agriculture Committee Chairman Lucas and his committee drafted and marked up last month. We're nearing the end of the current Farm Bill and need to get a new one in place to give our producers the certainty they need to continue providing Americans with an abundant supply of food and fiber. That's why I signed a letter to Speaker Boehner and the House leadership asking for the Farm Bill to be brought up for a vote in the House of Representatives before the current Farm Bill expires.”

“I always enjoy the opportunity to meet with the constituents of the 23rd District of Texas. It allows me to take their common-sense feedback with me to the House of Representatives as we work on solutions to get our nation and economy turned around,” concluded Congressman Canseco.

To schedule an interview please contact Kyler Arnold at (202) 225-4511 or Kyler.Arnold@mail.house.gov


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