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  • Office Locations

    Washington D.C. Office
    439 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: (202) 225-4324
    Fax: (202) 225-1984

    Springfield District Office
    5 W. North Street, Suite 200
    Springfield, Ohio 45504
    Phone: (937) 325-0474
    Fax: (937) 325-9188

    Lancaster District Office
    207 S. Broad Street
    Lancaster, Ohio 43130
    Phone: (740) 654-5149
    Fax: (740) 654-7825

Visit Washington D.C.

Now is an exciting time to visit Washington D.C. and if you have a trip planned, my office can help make your visit memorable. The newly unveiled Capitol Visitor’s Center is a wonderful, educational experience for children and adults alike. And, my staff can set up Capitol tours, assist you in getting gallery passes to watch a session of Congress, set up tours of the White House, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Library of Congress, State Department, Kennedy Center, Supreme Court, Pentagon and Mount Vernon. If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities, please contact my Washington D.C. Office at (202) 225-4324.

 Click Here to fill out online tour form.

Top Ten Sites to Visit While in Washington D.C.

1. Congressman Steve Austria’s Office: As your Congressman, of course the first place I encourage you to visit is my office. We are located at 439 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515. Stop by and introduce yourself to the staff and myself; we always welcome visitors in the office.

2. The Capitol Building: The cornerstone of the Capitol building was put in place by George Washington on September 18, 1793 and is where many of the nation’s important issues have been debated over the years. You can go to the new Capitol Visitor’s Bureau and take part in a free tour led by a knowledgeable guide, or my office can also help you set up a tour. I am impressed with the building whenever I look up at the dome of the Rotunda, and I consider it a must-see stop on any visit to D.C.

3. The White House: The home of our nation’s First Family, the first President to live here was President John Adams in 1800. Although White House tours need to be set up at least a month in advance, my office can set up a free White House tour for you. Or if you only have a little bit of time, just strolling by the outside of the building will still give you the opportunity to see the home of our nation’s President. The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.

4. Arlington Cemetery: At this military cemetery, you will find the last resting place of veterans from every war our nation participated in, starting with the American Revolution. Arlington Cemetery is located across the Arlington Memorial Bridge and the Web site is: www.arlingtoncemetery.org.

5. National Cathedral: The National Cathedral is located at Massachusetts and Wisconsin Avenues, NW. The Cathedral is the world’s sixth largest church and is considered one of our nation’s best examples of gothic architecture. For more information on the Washington National Cathedral go to: www.nationalcathedral.org/visit/.

6. National Gallery of Art: A trip to visit this gallery is free and even if you only have an hour, there are numerous “must see” works of art by such notable artists as: da Vinci, Rembrandt, Raphael, Monet and Cezanne. The National Gallery of Art is located at 4th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW on the Mall. You can learn more about the National Gallery of Art by visting: http://www.nga.gov/.

7. Mount Vernon: The home of our nation’s first President, George Washington, Mount Vernon is located in Northern Virginia. On a visit to his home and farm, you will learn much more about Washington. My office can help set up a tour of this site, or you can learn more about Mount Vernon by going to: www.mountvernon.org.

8. The Monuments: The Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials are all stops you should make on your trip to D.C. It is too hard to pick just one of these iconic landmarks to visit, so I suggest you stop by all three monuments honoring three of our most influential leaders. For more information on the monuments, you can go to www.nps.gov/state/dc/.

9. Smithsonian Museums: Located along the Mall, the Smithsonian is made up of multiple notable museums, including the Air and Space Museum, Museum of Natural History and American History Museum. Some of our nation’s most treasured artifacts and art can be found in these museums. For more information on the Smithsonian Museums, please visit www.si.edu.

10. Go to a Washington Nationals Baseball Game: To enjoy our “national pastime” in the nation’s capitol, you can go to a Washington Nationals baseball game. The stadium is located at 2400 East Capitol Street SE and you can get more information on the Nationals at www.nationals.com.