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Frequently Asked Questions - Cadet Life and Career Options
Q:  What academic majors does CGA offer?
A:   The Coast Guard Academy offers eight majors: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture/Marine Engineering, Operations Research/Computer Analysis, Marine and Environmental Sciences, Management, and Government.

Q:   How many varsity/club sports does the Coast Guard Academy have?
A:   Coast Guard Academy cadets, both men and women, compete at the Division III level during intercollegiate athletics. We have 28 varsity/club sports teams.

Q:  Are there opportunities to participate in sports other than at the varsity level? What is the physical-fitness program?
A:   All cadets are expected to participate in either a varsity or intramural sport each year during two of the three sports seasons (fall, winter and spring). Cadets are required to take physical education courses such as Intermediate and Advanced Swimming, Personal Defense, Physiology of Fitness, and First Aid/CPR. A cadet may also select from PE electives such as golf, tennis, racquetball, skiing, scuba, and adventure sports. There is a remedial swimming program for cadets who are not strong swimmers. Teamwork, camaraderie, and competition are keys to success in the Coast Guard and there's no better way to develop these attributes than on the playing field.

Q:  If I decide to pursue a degree in aeronautics at the graduate level after graduating from the Academy, which major is recommended?
A:   Since there is no prerequisite for our graduate programs, any of our graduates could go on to a graduate program focused on aeronautics. However, the engineering degrees from the Academy provide a great foundation. Currently the Coast Guard sends those selected for graduate school in the Aeronoautical Engineering Structures area to Purdue University for a 24 month program.

Q:  How many students go to flight school immediately after graduating from the CGA?
A:   Currently the CGA is authorized to send up to 1/10 of the graduating class directly to flight school; however, the actual number is usually smaller. The majority of Coast Guard pilots do not go directly to flight school after graduation; officers up to four years after graduation apply to flight school.

Q:  What are the medical requrements for flight school?
A:   Medical qualification for flight school includes passing a Class 1 Flight Physical. Two big issues, aside from being in good physical health, are dental and vision requirements. The dental exam will check for cavities and other problems with teeth and gums that may be affected by changes in air pressure while engaged in flight. Basically, you will be required to have no dental problems and no cavities. Vision requirements are also very stringent. Eyesight should be 20/20. If not, it must be correctable to 20/20, no exceptions. Uncorrected visual acuity must be better than 20/50 in either eye. There are other limitations imposed, based on the type and strength of the lens prescription. In addition, normal color perception, depth perception, and field of vision are also required. Some corrective surgeries can be disqualifiers as well.

If you did not find the answers to your Admissions questions, please ask us directly.