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Frequently Asked Questions - AIM Summer Program
Q:  How can I find out my AIM application status?
A:   Due to the overwhelming response to the AIM Application, it takes time to process all of the applications we have received to date. We will send an email to the account you provided when we have filed your application. At that time, we will also let you know if you are missing any of your supplemental forms.

Q:  Is an interview required for the AIM Program?
A:   Interviews are not available for those applying to the AIM.

Q:  When should I expect to hear whether or not I was accepted to the program?
A:   You should receive a letter by May 21.

Q:  Would a pre-existing medical condition disqualify me from applying to AIM?
A:   Most students are allowed to attend AIM despite medical conditions if it will not affect their ability to participate fully. Getting a medical clearance, however, does not guarantee that a student will get medical clearance for entry into the Coast Guard. All students who apply for admissions to the next incoming class must pass a medical screening done by an independent contractor approved by DoDMERB. DoDMERB will make a determination based upon your exam and medical history and will then make a recommendation to us regarding medical eligibility. For more specifics, please consult our list of common disqualifications.

Q:  I missed the AIM deadline. Can I still apply to this year's program?
A:   Unfortunately our application for this summer program is closed and we cannot accommodate late applications. If you would like more information on other visit programs we offer at the Coast Guard Academy please check our website.

Q:  I would like to change the week I selected for AIM. Is that possible?
A:  We assigned students to the weeks they indicated they on their initial application. If we can accommodate a switch, we will contact you as soon as possible, but only after everyone has returned their forms.

Q:  Does attending the AIM summer program give applicants an advantage?
A:   The advantage the AIM program affords students is a one week glimpse of the CGA. However; overall, students that attend AIM do not have an advantage.

If you did not find the answers to your Admissions questions, please ask us directly.