

United States Germany
Russia Poland


Major General (Ret) W. Montague Winfield is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for POW/Missing Personnel Affairs and Director of the Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office.

As DASD, he is responsible for developing policy and strategy for personnel recovery, personnel accounting, and DoD support to civil search and rescue. As the Director, he leads the national effort for the fullest possible accounting for American personnel missing as a result of hostile action.

General Robert H. "Doc" Foglesong, United States Air Force (retired), was appointed by President George W. Bush as American Chairman of the United States-Russia Joint Commission on Prisoners of War/Missing in Action (USRJC) on April 26, 2006.

The Commission has been working since 1992 to account for American and Soviet/Russian military personnel who are missing from conflicts since WWII.

Ms. Alisa Stack is the Principal Director for the Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) She assists the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for POW/Missing Personnel Affairs in leading the national effort for the fullest possible accounting for American personnel missing as a result of hostile action.

Ms. Stack served in several positions in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), including Principal Deputy Director for the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations; Acting Director, Policy Planning; Deputy Director, Detainee Policy; and Assistant for Sensitive Special Operations.

Mr. Charles Henley is the Director for External Affairs for the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO). As such, he is responsible for constituent communications regarding the Department of Defense's worldwide commitment to this mission. He also is responsible for the declassification and public release of POW/MIA-related documents in accordance with law and Executive Order and the Freedom of Information Act.

Mr. Gary Sydow leads DPMO's researchers and analysts in advancing accounting for the missing on all wars and hostilities from World War II forward to include current conflicts worldwide. Gary leads some 40 researchers and analysts who work on accounting issues at the national-strategic and theater-strategic level, and who, as a DPMO field activity, oversee personnel accounting operations.