Census Bureau
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About the Data


U.S. Census Bureau as authorized by Titles 13 and 31, United States Code and a 1982 designation by the Office of Management and Budget.


Provide data on Federal government expenditures by state, county, and sub-county area.


Data are obtained on the amount of virtually all Federal expenditures, including grants, loans, direct payments, insurance, procurement, salaries and wages and other awards (such as price supports and research awards). Data represent actual expenditures (or outlays) with some exceptions. For example, contract amounts may represent obligations, loans and insurance can include cash and contingent liability values, and grants to individuals may reflect benefit commitments. Expenditures are reported by responsible department or agency, and classified by affected program (such as Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster relief grants or Food and Nutrition Services Women Infants and Children (WIC) Program).


The CFFR reports have been prepared annually by the Census Bureau since 1983.


Tabulations by state and outlying area include subtotals by Federal agency, type of expenditure program, per capita expenditure and a historical summary. There is also a table, which provides state, outlying area, and county area totals for major expenditure categories. Public use data files are available on the Internet and on CD-ROM. Data for 1983 through 2008 are available in compact disc format.


The Bureau of Economic Analysis, Office of Management and Budget, U.S.Congress, state governments and private researchers use the data to measure and assess Federal expenditures in state and sub-state areas. These analysts use the data on an expenditure basis for studies that evaluate Federal revenues from state areas versus Federal expenditure to those areas.

Additional information on our Methodology - the population of interest, data collection, data processing, and data quality, are available at How the Data are Collected


oFederal Audit Clearinghouse

oFederal Assistance Awards Data System

oAnnual Survey of State and Local Government Finances




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