"Table with row headers in column A and column headers in row 8 through 9, repeated in row 65 through 66, row 122 and row 178 Leading dots indicate sub-parts.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Census 2000 PHC-T-39,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Table 5: School Enrollment of the Population 3 Years and Over by Age, Nativity, and Type of School: 2000",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Geographic area: Texas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "All race and ethnic groups, female",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "(Data based on a sample. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error and definitions, see www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/doc/sf3.pdf.)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,Total,Enrolled in school,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,Total,"Nursery school, preschool",Kindergarten,Grade 1 to 4,Grade 5 to 8,Grade 9 to 12,,,,,,,,,, ..Total ,"10,043,611","2,947,784","190,482","169,014","662,016","652,790","632,090",,,,,,,,,, 3 years ,"156,947","52,434","50,922","1,512",- ,- ,- ,,,,,,,,,, 4 years ,"156,943","89,762","80,451","9,311",- ,- ,- ,,,,,,,,,, 5 years ,"160,260","135,616","59,109","70,342","6,165",- ,- ,,,,,,,,,, 6 years ,"160,587","156,852",- ,"84,214","72,638",- ,- ,,,,,,,,,, 7 years ,"162,438","160,135",- ,"3,635","156,500",- ,- ,,,,,,,,,, 8 years ,"164,062","162,107",- ,- ,"160,839","1,268",- ,,,,,,,,,, 9 years ,"164,799","163,107",- ,- ,"157,591","5,516",- ,,,,,,,,,, 10 years ,"164,672","163,110",- ,- ,"97,097","66,013",- ,,,,,,,,,, 11 years ,"159,312","157,777",- ,- ,"9,856","147,921",- ,,,,,,,,,, 12 years ,"159,243","157,708",- ,- ,"1,330","155,239","1,139",,,,,,,,,, 13 years ,"157,959","156,094",- ,- ,- ,"151,043","5,051",,,,,,,,,, 14 years ,"158,994","156,813",- ,- ,- ,"97,357","59,456",,,,,,,,,, 15 years ,"156,495","153,327",- ,- ,- ,"14,418","138,738",,,,,,,,,, 16 years ,"151,835","144,901",- ,- ,- ,"2,504","141,898",,,,,,,,,, 17 years ,"157,052","140,449",- ,- ,- ,872,"136,489",,,,,,,,,, 18 years ,"156,495","113,797",- ,- ,- ,709,"80,014",,,,,,,,,, 19 years ,"154,229","86,512",- ,- ,- ,553,"15,758",,,,,,,,,, 20 years ,"156,195","73,259",- ,- ,- ,372,"6,097",,,,,,,,,, 21 years ,"145,398","59,717",- ,- ,- ,346,"3,353",,,,,,,,,, 22 years ,"147,279","48,002",- ,- ,- ,316,"2,241",,,,,,,,,, 23 years ,"146,687","37,258",- ,- ,- ,207,"1,998",,,,,,,,,, 24 years ,"149,875","30,830",- ,- ,- ,334,"1,864",,,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"6,595,855","348,217",- ,- ,- ,"7,802","37,994",,,,,,,,,, .25 to 29 years ,"775,276","105,153",- ,- ,- ,,"8,190* ",,,,,,,,,, .30 to 34 years ,"768,687","66,162",- ,- ,- ,,"7,646* ",,,,,,,,,, .35 to 39 years ,"862,769","59,126",- ,- ,- ,,"7,627* ",,,,,,,,,, .40 to 44 years ,"834,187","44,648",- ,- ,- ,,"5,888* ",,,,,,,,,, .45 to 49 years ,"720,200","32,544",- ,- ,- ,,"4,345* ",,,,,,,,,, .50 to 54 years ,"600,428","17,726",- ,- ,- ,,"2,919* ",,,,,,,,,, .55 to 59 years ,"455,991","8,201",- ,- ,- ,,"1,979* ",,,,,,,,,, .60 to 64 years ,"368,040","4,184",- ,- ,- ,,"1,477* ",,,,,,,,,, .65 to 74 years ,"628,602","5,102",- ,- ,- ,,"2,404* ",,,,,,,,,, .75 years and over ,"581,675","5,371",- ,- ,- ,,"3,321* ",,,,,,,,,, ..Native ,"8,647,577","2,697,098","184,959","160,840","624,588","597,955","566,175",,,,,,,,,, 3 to 5 years ,"456,821","268,004","184,959","77,244","5,801",- ,- ,,,,,,,,,, 6 to 13 years ,"1,210,384","1,196,179",- ,"83,596","618,787","488,250","5,546",,,,,,,,,, 14 to 17 years ,"566,448","545,252",- ,- ,- ,"104,184","437,822",,,,,,,,,, 18 to 24 years ,"888,950","402,539",- ,- ,- ,"1,989","95,991",,,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"5,524,974","285,124",- ,- ,- ,"3,532","26,816",,,,,,,,,, ..Foreign born ,"1,396,034","250,686","5,523","8,174","37,428","54,835","65,915",,,,,,,,,, 3 to 5 years ,"17,329","9,808","5,523","3,921",364,- ,- ,,,,,,,,,, 6 to 13 years ,"82,688","80,711",- ,"4,253","37,064","38,750",644,,,,,,,,,, 14 to 17 years ,"57,928","50,238",- ,- ,- ,"10,967","38,759",,,,,,,,,, 18 to 24 years ,"167,208","46,836",- ,- ,- ,848,"15,334",,,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"1,070,881","63,093",- ,- ,- ,"4,270","11,178",,,,,,,,,, "Note: - Represents zero or rounds to zero. * To allow disclosure, grades 5-8 and 9-12 were combined for age groups 25 and over.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Internet release date: October, 2006",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Census 2000 PHC-T-39,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Table 5: School Enrollment of the Population 3 Years and Over by Age, Nativity, and Type of School: 2000 (Continued)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Geographic area: Texas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "All race and ethnic groups, female",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "(Data based on a sample. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error and definitions, see www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/doc/sf3.pdf.)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,Enrolled in school,,Not enrolled in school,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,College,"Graduate, professional school",Total,Not high school graduate,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..Total ,"542,814","98,578","7,095,827","2,003,452",,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 years ,- ,- ,"104,513","104,513",,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 years ,- ,- ,"67,181","67,181",,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 years ,- ,- ,"24,644","24,644",,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 years ,- ,- ,"3,735","3,735",,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 years ,- ,- ,"2,303","2,303",,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 years ,- ,- ,"1,955","1,955",,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 years ,- ,- ,"1,692","1,692",,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 years ,- ,- ,"1,562","1,562",,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 years ,- ,- ,"1,535","1,535",,,,,,,,,,,,, 12 years ,- ,- ,"1,535","1,535",,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 years ,- ,- ,"1,865","1,865",,,,,,,,,,,,, 14 years ,- ,- ,"2,181","2,181",,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 years ,171,- ,"3,168","2,912",,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 years ,499,- ,"6,934","6,186",,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 years ,"3,088",- ,"16,603","12,314",,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 years ,"33,074",- ,"42,698","22,183",,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 years ,"70,112",89,"67,717","26,450",,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 years ,"66,629",161,"82,936","29,807",,,,,,,,,,,,, 21 years ,"55,304",714,"85,681","28,469",,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 years ,"42,591","2,854","99,277","31,504",,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 years ,"29,571","5,482","109,429","30,653",,,,,,,,,,,,, 24 years ,"22,364","6,268","119,045","30,850",,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"219,411","83,010","6,247,638","1,567,423",,,,,,,,,,,,, .25 to 29 years ,"70,276","26,687","670,123","155,128",,,,,,,,,,,,, .30 to 34 years ,"43,345","15,171","702,525","154,056",,,,,,,,,,,,, .35 to 39 years ,"39,446","12,053","803,643","165,396",,,,,,,,,,,,, .40 to 44 years ,"28,101","10,659","789,539","155,198",,,,,,,,,,,,, .45 to 49 years ,"19,514","8,685","687,656","128,465",,,,,,,,,,,,, .50 to 54 years ,"9,417","5,390","582,702","118,841",,,,,,,,,,,,, .55 to 59 years ,"3,992","2,230","447,790","109,658",,,,,,,,,,,,, .60 to 64 years ,"1,846",861,"363,856","107,511",,,,,,,,,,,,, .65 to 74 years ,"1,998",700,"623,500","221,272",,,,,,,,,,,,, .75 years and over ,"1,476",574,"576,304","251,898",,,,,,,,,,,,, ..Native ,"481,379","81,202","5,950,479","1,354,781",,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 to 5 years ,- ,- ,"188,817","188,817",,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 to 13 years ,- ,- ,"14,205","14,205",,,,,,,,,,,,, 14 to 17 years ,"3,246",- ,"21,196","16,716",,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 to 24 years ,"291,604","12,955","486,411","126,297",,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"186,529","68,247","5,239,850","1,008,746",,,,,,,,,,,,, ..Foreign born ,"61,435","17,376","1,145,348","648,671",,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 to 5 years ,- ,- ,"7,521","7,521",,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 to 13 years ,- ,- ,"1,977","1,977",,,,,,,,,,,,, 14 to 17 years ,512,- ,"7,690","6,877",,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 to 24 years ,"28,041","2,613","120,372","73,619",,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"32,882","14,763","1,007,788","558,677",,,,,,,,,,,,, "Note: - Represents zero or rounds to zero. * To allow disclosure, grades 5-8 and 9-12 were combined for age groups 25 and over.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Internet release date: October, 2006",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Census 2000 PHC-T-39,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Table 5: School Enrollment of the Population 3 Years and Over by Age, Nativity, and Type of School: 2000 (Continued)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Geographic area: Texas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "All race and ethnic groups, female, enrolled in public school",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "(Data based on a sample. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error and definitions, see www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/doc/sf3.pdf.)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,Total in public school,"Nursery school, preschool",Kindergarten,Grade 1 to 4,Grade 5 to 8,Grade 9 to 12,College,"Graduate, professional school",,,,,,,,, ..Total ,"2,608,024","108,225","150,111","613,537","610,526","593,253","459,251","73,121",,,,,,,,, 3 years ,"24,418","23,183","1,235",- ,- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 4 years ,"54,224","46,075","8,149",- ,- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 5 years ,"106,595","38,967","61,909","5,719",- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 6 years ,"142,054",- ,"75,455","66,599",- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 7 years ,"148,320",- ,"3,363","144,957",- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 8 years ,"150,123",- ,- ,"148,898","1,225",- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 9 years ,"151,008",- ,- ,"145,804","5,204",- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 10 years ,"152,271",- ,- ,"90,939","61,332",- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 11 years ,"147,313",- ,- ,"9,363","137,950",- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 12 years ,"147,665",- ,- ,"1,258","145,362","1,045",- ,-,,,,,,,,, 13 years ,"146,107",- ,- ,- ,"141,366","4,741",- ,-,,,,,,,,, 14 years ,"146,996",- ,- ,- ,"91,107","55,889",- ,-,,,,,,,,, 15 years ,"144,737",- ,- ,- ,"13,857","130,717",163,-,,,,,,,,, 16 years ,"136,787",- ,- ,- ,"2,380","133,964",443,-,,,,,,,,, 17 years ,"133,018",- ,- ,- ,842,"129,377","2,799",-,,,,,,,,, 18 years ,"103,683",- ,- ,- ,655,"75,416","27,612",-,,,,,,,,, 19 years ,"74,401",- ,- ,- ,506,"14,901","58,939",55,,,,,,,,, 20 years ,"62,227",- ,- ,- ,355,"5,666","56,083",123,,,,,,,,, 21 years ,"49,920",- ,- ,- ,336,"2,955","46,087",542,,,,,,,,, 22 years ,"40,264",- ,- ,- ,296,"2,008","35,817","2,143",,,,,,,,, 23 years ,"32,052",- ,- ,- ,192,"1,755","25,963","4,142",,,,,,,,, 24 years ,"26,399",- ,- ,- ,334,"1,606","19,722","4,737",,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"287,442",- ,- ,- ,"7,227","33,213","185,623","61,379",,,,,,,,, .25 to 29 years ,"88,789",- ,- ,- ,,"7,408* ","61,062","20,319",,,,,,,,, .30 to 34 years ,"54,875",- ,- ,- ,,"6,925* ","36,680","11,270",,,,,,,,, .35 to 39 years ,"48,506",- ,- ,- ,,"6,625* ","33,126","8,755",,,,,,,,, .40 to 44 years ,"36,858",- ,- ,- ,,"5,307* ","23,741","7,810",,,,,,,,, .45 to 49 years ,"26,309",- ,- ,- ,,"3,785* ","16,194","6,330",,,,,,,,, .50 to 54 years ,"13,903",- ,- ,- ,,"2,618* ","7,467","3,818",,,,,,,,, .55 to 59 years ,"6,444",- ,- ,- ,,"1,746* ","3,177","1,521",,,,,,,,, .60 to 64 years ,"3,367",- ,- ,- ,,"1,345* ","1,441",581,,,,,,,,, .65 to 74 years ,"4,283",- ,- ,- ,,"2,134* ","1,627",522,,,,,,,,, .75 years and over ,"4,108",- ,- ,- ,,"2,547* ","1,108",453,,,,,,,,, ..Native ,"2,380,705","104,527","142,423","577,439","557,648","530,465","407,652","60,551",,,,,,,,, 3 to 5 years ,"177,598","104,527","67,680","5,391",- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 6 to 13 years ,"1,106,993",- ,"74,743","572,048","455,057","5,145",- ,-,,,,,,,,, 14 to 17 years ,"512,685",- ,- ,- ,"97,453","412,263","2,969",-,,,,,,,,, 18 to 24 years ,"347,637",- ,- ,- ,"1,891","89,706","246,214","9,826",,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"235,792",- ,- ,- ,"3,247","23,351","158,469","50,725",,,,,,,,, ..Foreign born ,"227,319","3,698","7,688","36,098","52,878","62,788","51,599","12,570",,,,,,,,, 3 to 5 years ,"7,639","3,698","3,613",328,- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 6 to 13 years ,"77,868",- ,"4,075","35,770","37,382",641,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 14 to 17 years ,"48,853",- ,- ,- ,"10,733","37,684",436,-,,,,,,,,, 18 to 24 years ,"41,309",- ,- ,- ,783,"14,601","24,009","1,916",,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"51,650",- ,- ,- ,"3,980","9,862","27,154","10,654",,,,,,,,, "Note: - Represents zero or rounds to zero. * To allow disclosure, grades 5-8 and 9-12 were combined for age groups 25 and over.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Internet release date: October, 2006",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Census 2000 PHC-T-39,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Table 5: School Enrollment of the Population 3 Years and Over by Age, Nativity, and Type of School: 2000 (Continued)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Geographic area: Texas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "All race and ethnic groups, female, enrolled in private school",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "(Data based on a sample. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error and definitions, see www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/doc/sf3.pdf.)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,Total in private school,"Nursery school, preschool",Kindergarten,Grade 1 to 4,Grade 5 to 8,Grade 9 to 12,College,"Graduate, professional school",,,,,,,,, ..Total ,"339,760","82,257","18,903","48,479","42,264","38,837","83,563","25,457",,,,,,,,, 3 years ,"28,016","27,739",277,- ,- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 4 years ,"35,538","34,376","1,162",- ,- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 5 years ,"29,021","20,142","8,433",446,- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 6 years ,"14,798",- ,"8,759","6,039",- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 7 years ,"11,815",- ,272,"11,543",- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 8 years ,"11,984",- ,- ,"11,941",43,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 9 years ,"12,099",- ,- ,"11,787",312,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 10 years ,"10,839",- ,- ,"6,158","4,681",- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 11 years ,"10,464",- ,- ,493,"9,971",- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 12 years ,"10,043",- ,- ,72,"9,877",94,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 13 years ,"9,987",- ,- ,- ,"9,677",310,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 14 years ,"9,817",- ,- ,- ,"6,250","3,567",- ,-,,,,,,,,, 15 years ,"8,590",- ,- ,- ,561,"8,021",8,-,,,,,,,,, 16 years ,"8,114",- ,- ,- ,124,"7,934",56,-,,,,,,,,, 17 years ,"7,431",- ,- ,- ,30,"7,112",289,-,,,,,,,,, 18 years ,"10,114",- ,- ,- ,54,"4,598","5,462",-,,,,,,,,, 19 years ,"12,111",- ,- ,- ,47,857,"11,173",34,,,,,,,,, 20 years ,"11,032",- ,- ,- ,17,431,"10,546",38,,,,,,,,, 21 years ,"9,797",- ,- ,- ,10,398,"9,217",172,,,,,,,,, 22 years ,"7,738",- ,- ,- ,20,233,"6,774",711,,,,,,,,, 23 years ,"5,206",- ,- ,- ,15,243,"3,608","1,340",,,,,,,,, 24 years ,"4,431",- ,- ,- ,- ,258,"2,642","1,531",,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"60,775",- ,- ,- ,575,"4,781","33,788","21,631",,,,,,,,, .25 to 29 years ,"16,364",- ,- ,- ,,782* ,"9,214","6,368",,,,,,,,, .30 to 34 years ,"11,287",- ,- ,- ,,721* ,"6,665","3,901",,,,,,,,, .35 to 39 years ,"10,620",- ,- ,- ,,"1,002* ","6,320","3,298",,,,,,,,, .40 to 44 years ,"7,790",- ,- ,- ,,581* ,"4,360","2,849",,,,,,,,, .45 to 49 years ,"6,235",- ,- ,- ,,560* ,"3,320","2,355",,,,,,,,, .50 to 54 years ,"3,823",- ,- ,- ,,301* ,"1,950","1,572",,,,,,,,, .55 to 59 years ,"1,757",- ,- ,- ,,233* ,815,709,,,,,,,,, .60 to 64 years ,817,- ,- ,- ,,132* ,405,280,,,,,,,,, .65 to 74 years ,819,- ,- ,- ,,270* ,371,178,,,,,,,,, .75 years and over ,"1,263",- ,- ,- ,,774* ,368,121,,,,,,,,, ..Native ,"316,393","80,432","18,417","47,149","40,307","35,710","73,727","20,651",,,,,,,,, 3 to 5 years ,"90,406","80,432","9,564",410,- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 6 to 13 years ,"89,186",- ,"8,853","46,739","33,193",401,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 14 to 17 years ,"32,567",- ,- ,- ,"6,731","25,559",277,-,,,,,,,,, 18 to 24 years ,"54,902",- ,- ,- ,98,"6,285","45,390","3,129",,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"49,332",- ,- ,- ,285,"3,465","28,060","17,522",,,,,,,,, ..Foreign born ,"23,367","1,825",486,"1,330","1,957","3,127","9,836","4,806",,,,,,,,, 3 to 5 years ,"2,169","1,825",308,36,- ,- ,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 6 to 13 years ,"2,843",- ,178,"1,294","1,368",3,- ,-,,,,,,,,, 14 to 17 years ,"1,385",- ,- ,- ,234,"1,075",76,-,,,,,,,,, 18 to 24 years ,"5,527",- ,- ,- ,65,733,"4,032",697,,,,,,,,, 25 years and over ,"11,443",- ,- ,- ,290,"1,316","5,728","4,109",,,,,,,,, "Note: - Represents zero or rounds to zero. * To allow disclosure, grades 5-8 and 9-12 were combined for age groups 25 and over.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Internet release date: October, 2006",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,