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Taking Care of People

The Department of Defense is committed to providing civilian employees affected by organizational restructuring actions, including Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), maximum assistance to continue Federal careers or pursue other endeavors. This website provides employees, managers, supervisors, and human resources specialists the latest information on the variety of transition assistance programs offered by the Department and other Federal agencies. In addition, it answers questions concerning assistance programs and benefits, and links to websites that will help you learn more about BRAC and other restructuring actions, career transition assistance, and employment opportunities.

Four civilian workers in front of military equipment.
The tool bar on the left provides a series of Fact Sheets on Job Placement and Separation Incentive Programs, and Benefits and Entitlements offered to both appropriated and nonappropriated fund employees. Also available are answers to Frequently Asked Questions regarding general restructuring and BRAC issues and available transition assistance programs, along with a Reference section containing guidance for displaced employees and policy issuances on transition assistance programs. Links to the Civilian Personnel Management Service Home Page and Civilian Assistance and Re-Employment (CARE) Division Home Page can also be accessed from this tool bar.

This website also contains a News and Events section, multimedia resources, and links to Component and Defense Agency Human Resources websites.

News & Events
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BRAC Transition Downloads
Download BRAC Transition video,brochure or PPP brochure.
Civilian Personnel Sites
Civilian Personnel Sites (Air Force, Marines, Army, Navy, DoD/BRAC, and Other)
Civilian Personnel Sites (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Forice, Other, and DoD/BRAC) Civilian Personnel Sites (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Forice, Other, and DoD/BRAC) Civilian Personnel Sites (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Forice, Other, and DoD/BRAC) Civilian Personnel Sites (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Forice, Other, and DoD/BRAC) Civilian Personnel Sites (Air Force, Marines, Army, Navy, DoD/BRAC, and Other) Civilian Personnel Sites (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Forice, Other, and DoD/BRAC)