How YOU Can Make a Difference

It's hard to get a good handle on what military families are thinking and feeling. We're an incredibly diverse population, spread all over the world with needs, feelings and desires that we proudly … [Read more...]


Must-Do’s for PCSing to Fort Campbell

Moving to Fort Campbell was not my idea. One visit up here was enough to make me realize that there are a lot of corn fields going on … and not a lot else.Or so I thought.One of my personal … [Read more...]


Why Don’t Military Widows Get Full Educational Benefits?

We military spouses duly learn to dread the knock at the door.  The folded flag.  The long, strange, dark trip through the thousand things a widow or widower must do if a servicemember is killed in … [Read more...]


Should You Work During Deployment?

Wondering whether or not to work while your spouse is deployed? You are not the only one asking that question. Many MilSpouses are faced with a decision of how to spend the time while their military … [Read more...]


How YOU Can Make a Difference

It's hard to get a good handle on what military families are thinking and feeling. We're an incredibly diverse population, spread all over the world with needs, feelings and desires that we proudly … [Read more...]


Must-Do’s for PCSing to Fort Campbell

Moving to Fort Campbell was not my idea. One visit up here was enough to make me realize that there are a lot of corn fields going on … and not a lot else.Or so I thought.One of my personal … [Read more...]


Why Don’t Military Widows Get Full Educational Benefits?

We military spouses duly learn to dread the knock at the door.  The folded flag.  The long, strange, dark trip through the thousand things a widow or widower must do if a servicemember is killed in … [Read more...]


Should You Work During Deployment?

Wondering whether or not to work while your spouse is deployed? You are not the only one asking that question. Many MilSpouses are faced with a decision of how to spend the time while their military … [Read more...]


YDU: Being a Stay at Home Wife is a Job

Being a stay at home wife is a job. It is a job without pay, and sometimes a job without thanks, but it is a job. From dusting to laundry to grocery shopping, there is always something to be done. … [Read more...]


Casting Call: We Know you Want a Home Makeover

It happens more often than I care to admit: I sit in my house watching those shows where people win free stuff – renovations, makeovers, etc. – and I think “that could be me.”But the crazy … [Read more...]


Best Duty Stations For Halloween

One of the good things about moving so often is that you get to take in all the holidays in all the places in all the world. This can be a good thing. This can be a suckfest.For Halloween, the … [Read more...]


Coastie Wife: “Ain’t I a Military Spouse?”

If my life is like that of a military spouse, and my husband serves ... aren't I a military spouse? The answer is confusing.Early on in our marriage, the MyCAA program was announced.  I was … [Read more...]


Poll: Best Way to Make Spending Cuts

If there's one thing we know about our readers, it's that they are smarty pants. They know what's going on in their world. They do their best to know about the programs the military offers them -- and … [Read more...]


How To Cut Military Family Programs

Psst. Hey bub.The drawdown is coming. Betta get'cher family programs now before they cut your funding.OK, OK.  The message that cuts to Army family programming were on their way was not quite as … [Read more...]


Military Wife Quotes: She Refused To Be Bored

Every military family has a dirty word.  I'm not talking about one of George Carlin's 7 Words You Can't Say On TV.  I'm saying that certain words rub certain families the wrong way.  One Navy … [Read more...]


Top 10 Things I Appreciate About Having My Servicemember Home

Like most servicemembers, my husband has been absent. A lot. But there are times when he actually is around long enough for me to appreciate him and all the little things his presence brings to our … [Read more...]


Spouse Programs Only For Stay Home Moms?

My boss told me this would happen. He said that if we hosted a SpouseBuzz LIVE event on a weekday that the working spouses would feel excluded and insulted.“No way,” I exclaimed. “There are … [Read more...]


CNN Founder: Military Suicide is “Good.”

Ted Turner, media mogul and the founder of CNN, told a CNN news show anchor during an Oct. 24 interview that military suicides are "good." “I think it’s good because it’s so clear that we are … [Read more...]


The Deployment Bucket List

With one month here, three others there and now deployment, my husband has been gone a lot this year. And what I've found while he's been gone is this important fact: military absence is the perfect … [Read more...]


How to Land a Mom Job

Most stay-at-home moms I know come to a point in their lives where they need something outside the house. Since many moms feel like they have already achieved the stressful part of a normal career by … [Read more...]


Relieve That Stress With a Little Boob Tube

If you’ve ever felt stressed, you’re probably familiar with ways to get rid of that stress. You probably know what those helpful “resiliency” people and their books usually say: meditation, … [Read more...]


Top 6 Ways to Make the Most of an Overseas PCS

When my husband’s first tour was coming to a close, he asked me where I wanted to go next. Anywhere but Japan, I replied.Guess where we went.I don’t even remember why I had a mental … [Read more...]