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WASHINGTON – Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) today urged his constituents in New Jersey’s Seventh Congressional District to let their voices be heard in the national debate regarding what exactly Washington should cut in order to reign in runaway federal spending.

Just this week, Lance and his House Republican colleagues launched a new web application called “YouCut,” which is designed to give the American people a forum for suggesting ways to cut government spending. YouCut is the first-of-its-kind initiative specifically designed to address the Washington’s fiscal irresponsible spending problem.

Each week the YouCut website will feature a different list of wasteful or duplicative government programs. Taxpayers can vote both online at lance.house.gov/youcut and via cell phone by texting YOUCUT4 TO 68398 regarding spending cuts that they want Congress to address.

This week’s choices are:
• Presidential Election Fund -- $260 million in savings;
• Taxpayer Subsidized Union Activities -- $600 million in savings;
• HUD Program for Doctoral Dissertations -- $1 million in savings;
• New Non-Reformed Welfare Program -- $2.5 billion in savings; and
• Eliminate Wealthier Communities from CDBG -- $2.6 billion in savings.

“In order to reduce the Nation’s growing federal debt, Congress must address the out-of-control federal spending in a significant way. The House Republican’s YouCut initiative is designed to allow the American people to have their voices heard on what exactly Congress should cut. It’s my hope Garden State residents will cast their votes on what exactly they would like government to cut.”

Congress Leonard Lance is one the leading voices in the Congress to reduce the federal debt and leading advocates to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington.
