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WASHINGTON – Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union.

“I appreciate that the President’s speech focused on the economy. However, freezing federal spending at last year’s spending levels – the nation’s highest levels in history – is simply not enough to get our fiscal house in order.

“It’s certainly a step in the right direction, but I’m deeply concerned that the President’s spending freeze isn’t strong enough. This is especially concerning given the fact that last year the non-defense federal spending increased by an unprecedented 22 percent – which totaled more than $513 billion and doesn’t even include the massive stimulus package.

“Regarding nuclear power, I appreciated the President’s call for America to rely more heavily on nuclear power as an important clean energy alternative. I hope the President’s words calling for more nuclear power will be matched with action.”

In the House, Lance has said his main area of focus is addressing the economy and especially the area of debt reduction. Lance has introduced a package of bills designed to control federal spending and limit the ever-growing national debt and deficits. Lance also opposes raising the debt ceiling without what he described as meaningful action on reducing federal spending. He has led the effort in the House calling for an up-or-down vote on congressional action to raise the debt limit.
