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WASHINGTON -- Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) released the following statement today after House Democrats introduced their long-awaited health care reform proposal:

“Today’s health care reform plan released by the House Democrats is a $1.5 trillion budget buster that will lead to fewer jobs, higher taxes and less health coverage for New Jersey.

“I believe any health care reform legislation must reduce costs, expand access and allow Americans who like their health plans to keep them. And it must ensure that patients and doctors – not government regulators– stay in charge of critical, personal medical decisions. The Democrats’ reform effort falls well short of these goals.

“Earlier this summer, I joined members of the centrist ‘Tuesday Group’ in offering a proposal to reduce health care costs, protect and expand access to care and increase the quality of care in a way Americans can afford – without new taxes, costly mandates or a government takeover.

“The centrist health care alternative is a better way toward real reform without raising taxes on New Jersey’s working families, adding to the federal debt or jeopardizing employer-provided health coverage.”
