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NORTH PLAINFIELD, NJ -- Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-07) announced Tuesday that the House of Representatives recently passed legislation that includes Lance’s request for $300,000 for the final phase for the Borough of North Plainfield’s downtown streetscape and pedestrian safety improvement plan.

The federal investment would help the borough complete the project that the town has been working on for nearly a decade.

Lance made the announcement with North Plainfield Mayor Michael Giordano, Town Administrator David Hollod and other town and community leaders in the heart of downtown North Plainfield.

“Completing the North Plainfield streetscape plan will increase public safety for pedestrians in the heart of downtown North Plainfield,” said Lance. “The final improvements will also help make it easier for shoppers to access many of North Plainfield’s local businesses which would help boost the local economy.”

“These important federal funds will help us complete this project that North Plainfield has been working on for over a decade,” said North Plainfield Mayor Michael Giordano. “North Plainfield’s compact size and population density inherently incorporates energy efficient features in that many of its shopping, schools, recreational facilities and services are conveniently located within easy walking distance or a short drive. Once complete, this project will benefit the people of North Plainfield and town’s small business community. We appreciate Congressman Lance’s efforts and support of our project and are grateful for the extensive local and state support the project has received too.”

According to North Plainfield officials, the funds would help the town finish the project from Mountain Avenue north to Route 22 with safer, new sidewalks, lighting improvements and landscaping to ensure public safety for pedestrians. The overall project is expected to boost economic development for the town’s businesses.

Lance said the funds must still be signed into law by the President.
