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WOODBRIDGE -- Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-07) announced Monday that the House of Representatives recently passed legislation that includes Lance’s request for $250,000 to help launch the Woodbridge Township’s Green Technology Incubator Park.

Lance made the announcement at a news conference with Woodbridge Township Mayor John McCormac and other Township and community leaders.

The Green Technology Park, which is located on 107 acres in Woodbridge Township, is designed to promote the start-up and production of clean energy technologies, sustainable energy sources, green “R&D,” and environmental manufacturing and construction.

“These important funds will help Woodbridge Township move forward with its Green Technology Park which is on the cutting edge of promoting green jobs, green technologies and support for green energy businesses,” said Lance. “Not only will the Green Technology Park allow for Woodbridge Township to be the heart of green developments in New Jersey, but it will serve as a model for communities across the nation and help attract new businesses and create jobs.”

“Woodbridge Township continues to plan for the future by implementing innovative, cost-effective, sustainable, environmentally-friendly, and energy efficient programs and initiatives geared to provide long-term ‘green’ benefits to the residents of Woodbridge’s ten towns,” said Mayor McCormac. “The ‘Green Technology Park’ at the Pennval Road redevelopment site stands as the perfect example of a sustainable initiative that achieves multiple goals – redevelopment, increased ratables, sustainable growth and environmental protection. With the assistance of Congressman Lance, this project is moving forward and will be a milestone in the development of green technologies throughout the state and nation.”

Specifically the federal funds would help allow for the design and planning of the Pennval Road Green Technology Incubator Park. Specifically, the overall project will allow for the redevelopment of a brownfield site on Pennval Road and establish a Green Technology Incubator as a means of attracting economic development and encouraging job growth in the Township and the region. The project will include sustainable construction technologies for its physical facilities that will house the Incubator and promote business development and job creation specifically focused on fostering a clean energy/technology business cluster in the Township.

Mayor McCormac noted that key state, county and municipal agencies, corporations and businesses, educational institutions, environmental groups and community associations are committed to the long-term project, including: the Woodbridge Township Municipal Council, the Mayor’s Environmental Commission, the Woodbridge Township School District, the Woodbridge River Watch Committee, the Woodbridge Economic Development Corporation, and various business, environmental, community and private sector groups and associations.
